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James has three babies.

Three little boys.

He's been there, by Regulus' side, for each of their births. Theo's birth had been difficult, they were so young, they weren't really sure what to expect or what to do. But their Theo had been born safety, as had Max and Bellamy. Max had come a week after his original due date and Bellamy had come right on time. They'd never had to worry, or fear, that their baby was underdeveloped until now, now that James is watching his little girl in her little incubator.

And James can't hold her.

He can not touch her, or cradle her to his bare chest, like he had been able to do with his sons. He can not whisper sweet, love filled words against the top of her little head the way he had been able to do with his boys; he can not tell her that everything will be okay, that he'll always protect her, because he isn't even sure if it will be the truth. James can not protect his little girl.

They had had Carrie before, a wonderful woman that had delivered all three of their baby boys. This time, however, they had had bright lights and scary tools used to deliver their tiny baby girl. All they could hear this time was beeping monitors and no amount of James' soft, tender whispered words could outlast them.

She has a head of dark hair, and from what James can see; big brown eyes. But she is so little, far too little.

The clearing of a throat brings James' attention to the doorway. Sirius stands, leaning against the door frame; still clad in his leather jacket. He and Remus had arrived an hour before, and Regulus is still not awake, and their daughter is laying helplessly; trapped beneath the coverings of her incubator; enclosed inside of it.

James looks to Sirius with red rimmed eyes. "C'mon, Prongs, don't get upset," Sirius says softly. "Crying won't do anything, pet," He mumbles in a tender voice. "It's going to be okay, mate."

James shakes his head, wiping at his eyes. Sirius crosses the room and takes a seat in the hard plastic chair next to him. He gently pats James' shoulder. "She's a strong little thing, just like her mummy," Sirius mutters softly.

James nods at this. He takes a deep breath, looking to his friend. "I...I can't help her, Sirius," He says, hoarsely. "I...when Theo would cry, or Max was unsettled, or even when Bell can't put away much of his toys; I...I could help them. But...but I don't know how to help her," He whispers.

"You help her by sitting here with her and not letting her be alone. When...when she's big and strong, like her big brothers, we'll all tell her how you never left her," Sirius promises. "She's...James, she's gorgeous. You and Reggie did really good,"

"I...she's so perfect, Pads," James murmurs. "She's got big brown eyes, and....and lots of hair," He shakes his head, dabbing at his eyes. "And I want her to come home for Christmas, I...I want both of them to come home for Christmas," He says sadly. "But she's just so tiny,"

"Reg was premature. Did he ever tell you that?" Sirius asks.

James glances at him, shaking his head. "No, um, no...he didn't mention it," He speaks softly.

Sirius nods. "He was even more premature than your little girl, mate. Andy always says how little he was, how delicate. And look at him now; he's delivered four little ones and he's done a hell of a lot more too. He wasn't ready to come out into the world when he did, but he made it through, and...and so will this little girl," Sirius says, his voice etched with determination. "A lot of babies come out early, and...and they have to fight, and stay in little incubators, but they make it through,"

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