The Fifth Letter

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Theo's POV

I feel my body tense and stiffen like a rock. All I see is black and I'm thankful that I'm not having a nightmare of my time in juvy. I jerk awake and instead of seeing the metal bottom of the bunk above me but the high wooden ceiling in Avery's dim barn. Its dark in here, the sun has set. I turn to find Avery knocked out besides me. Peacefully asleep, her brown hair scattered all over the pillow and her head snuggled up in the crock of my neck.

I can't help a big on my face and cup her face. I rub circles with my thumb and run my free hand through her soft hair. I can't believe I made it here, I can't believe I found her. This charming, humble, sweet, kind, funny and wonderful girl. Her letters touched my heart and gave me hope. She was the only good thing in my world of four prison walls full of inmates.

"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend." I mumble and press my lips on her forehead.

"Aye! Avery! Ya in here!" A boy's voice booms. I bolt up into an upright position as Avery stirs. Heavy footsteps pounds up the ladder and I roll off and duck behind the bed.

"There ya are Avery!" A boy's deep voice says as he opens the door. Avery slowly sits up, groggily and confused. She suddenly realizes I'm not where I was when she fell asleep and starts looking around for me. She glances over the bed and sees me flat on the floor, hiding and smiles with relief.

"Ave!" The boy snaps back her attention.

"Wha? Oh! Sorry, what were you sayin Noah?" Avery asks. Noah? Her brother? Avery mentioned him in her letters with the rest of her siblings.

"Ave! Why are ya up here? Mama has been worry sick! She said ya went to get the mail and never came back!" Noah says.

"I-I-I... uh... fell asleep up here." Avery answers.

"Well I can't see that for myself." Noah says flatly.

"What happened? Were ya that upset that ya badboy ain't writing ya anymore? You came up here and cried yourself to sleep, huh?" Noah asks. My heart squeezes up painfully. All this time Avery's been upset that I haven't been writing? These past two weeks Avery has been hovering over her empty mailbox and been more upset every time she hasn't gotten my letters. I've been upsetting her before I even met her! I should have told her that my case was being appealed. I should have told her I went back home. I should have told her how terrible my family was and why I left.

I should have told her I was coming after her.

"Something... like that..." Avery answers.

"Well... pull yourself together, Ave. Now come on, let's go tell mama you're still whole. Plus it's supper." Noah says.

"Right... supper." Avery says then hesitantly climbs off the bed and walks out with her brother. When the door shuts I snap up and sigh. There goes my bonding time with my best friend. I sigh and stand up and start shutting the shutters on the windows. I don't have to worry about the huge french windows showing lights in a suppose empty barn since they face from the house. I fumble around for the light switch then the lamps above flicker on above my head. I take this opportunity to unpack my one bag, taking my time by unfolding everything to just refold them. In fifteen minutes I have an empty duffle bag and a half empty drawer.

I should probably go take a shower especially since I haven't had one in three days. I raise my arm and take a tentative sniff, geez, how did Avery sleep so soundly next to me?

"Knock knock." I hear. Avery's pretty little head pops through the door and I immediately grin.

"How was supper?" I ask as she slips through the door with her hands full of a plate of food and a water bottle tucked under her arm. She hands me the plate and the water bottle.

"You tell me." She says, nudging her chin at the plate.

"You didn't have to." I say.

"Yes I did. You're under my roof so I feed you." She states.

"I can feed myself." I reply.

"How?" She challenges.

"The good old southern way. I'd go catch me a possum!" I joke, saying the last part in a hillbilly accent. Avery looks unamused and just rolls her hazel eyes.

"Harrty har har," She says sarcastically. I take off the napkin off the food to find steak and potatoes, very southern.

"Sorry it ain't possum." Avery jokes bitterly.

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