The Seventeenth Letter

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Avery's POV
"It's not funny!" I jab Theo's arm with a fist. Theo gasps breathlessly like a fish out of water as he laughs with his ass off. Theo carries me on his strong back, my legs are tight on his hips.

"It is!" Theo gasps.

"It's not! A heel breaking is really sad!" I argue. My hands clutch the broken bootie, the heel hanging on at a bad angle.

"But you fell!" Theo laughs. "You fell right on your face!" Theo laughs, tears pooling in his blue eyes.

"I know..." I mumble. My scuffed up knees, and bleeding hands reminding with a stinging pain.

"You just went straight down! It was hilarious!" Theo pants, the huge smile still on his handsome face.

"I got blood and mud on my clothes." I groan.

"You fell on your face and you're worried about your clothes?" Theo comes to short stop, aiming a bewildered look over his shoulder at me.

"But... I'm not pretty anymore..." I mumble. "Avery Johanna Parker shut up, and realize no matter what you're wearing you are beautiful!" Theo angrily exclaims. I loop my arms around his tattooed neck, and press my lips against his cheek.

"Thank ya, Theo Jones." I smile at him. Theo's pierced lips twitch, but he stifles his growing grin and wipes the lipstick smudge off his cheek.

"Blah!" Theo gags.


"Since when do ya wear heels, Avery?" Mama asks, eyeing my broken heel. Mounted on the kitchen counter I watch as mama tosses the heel. Theo carried me, my dress and push my bike all the way home.

"That's a very good question." Theo grumbles as he gently dabs my scraped knees with a damp wash clothes. I wince at the icy water on ripped skin, almost falling into the kitchen sink.

"Sorry." Theo mumbles from the floor.

"I'm gonna toss these monsters." Mama says.

"Wait!" I beg.

"Are you kidding?" Theo rolls his blue eyes, lowering the rag.

"Ya could have broken a leg!" Mama crosses her arms over her chest and gives a flat look.

"Avery, ya don't wear heels, or lipstick. Ya fight with yar brothers and wear jeans." Mama says, making my face burns with embarrassment. "Ya use to cry when I tried to put ya in beauty pageants." Mama adds with a laugh.

"Seriously, what's this all about?" Theo asks, looking up at me from the floor. My cheeks turn red under Theo's unwavering gaze. I can't say out loud that I'm trying to be prettier for Theo because I love him.

"I... I just wanted to try something new, that's all." I mumble, staring down at the ground. "Is there something wrong with that?" I ask.

"Of course not." Mama states.

"There's nothing wrong with being girly," Theo starts, meeting my eyes as he stands to his full height, "It's just that girly isn't you, Avery." Theo finishes, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I feel swallowed up by Theo's blue eyes.

"Ahem." We break apart at the sound of mama clearing her throat. "Appropriate distance tenet." Mama warns flatly. Theo puts some distance between us, going as far as the other side of the kitchen. I struggle to swallow my disappointment, my hands wringing together to keep myself busy.

"I got a surprise for you, go change and I'll show you." I brighten at Theo's news. I hurriedly hop off the counter and rush up to my room to change.

"You look pretty." Theo grins at me as I walk out of the house in jeans, a black cardigan, and a white blouse.

" Theo grins at me as I walk out of the house in jeans, a black cardigan, and a white blouse

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"What's the surprise?" I ask excitedly. I bounce over to Theo who waits for me against Lucas' pick up truck.

"This." Theo pats the pick up truck.

"Lucas' truck?" I ask, eyeing the muddy trial.

"It's only a small surprise that will take us to the real surprise." Theo admits, opening the passenger door.

"Okay, I gotta know now. What is it?" I grin at him.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." Theo counters, his tattooed hands cupping my waist and his fingers locking on my belt loops. Theo lifts me up into the truck, his hand leaving behind trails of goosebumps on my skin.

Theo's POV
My tattooed hands twists the steering wheel as Avery hums along to the radio next to me.

I'm happy. I'm really happy. A month ago I was in prison, now I'm a free man spending time with my best friend. Grinning in Avery's direction I recount that first flimsy letter I got from her. She's changed my life, she made each day worth living, and she's the reason I'm not homeless.

My hands tighten around Avery's small hand, and squeeze. With one hand I steer Lucas's pick up truck into a crowded parking lot. Avery's face brightens at the huge silver screen screeched out high for every car to see.

"Surprise." I grin at Avery as I park the pick up truck in reverse.

"I love the drive through!" Avery gushes. I smile down at the steering wheel, she's likes my surprise! That's makes all the work more than worth it.

"I don't know that much about movies so I choose one of my favorite ones before I got arrested." I say, grabbing arm full of supplies. Avery grins at the blankets and pillows over flowing in my arms.

"Let me help ya." Avery takes some of the load from my straining arms. Together we both set up the bed of the pick up truck with bundles of warm blankets and fluffy pillows.

"What movie are we watching?" Avery asks, burying herself under a heap of blankets.

"The Wizard of Oz." I answer, joining her under the blankets. Avery glues herself to me, burying her small body into my chest.

"Really?" Avery chuckles. "Ya're such a bad boy I'd figured yar favorite movie would be Fast and Furious or something." Avery says.

"The Wizard of Oz is such a great movie that it softens even my felon heart." I joke.

"Wait, in one of yar letters ya wrote that Fight Club is yar favorite movie, not the Wizard Of Oz." Avery counters.

"Ok, I might have picked this because I thought you'd like it." I admit. Avery smiles up at me, and wraps her arms around my neck. I know I should put some space between us, but I like it to much.

Throughout the entire movie Avery presses herself against me. Her hands inch up my arms and chest. But worse of all she gets so close her eyelashes tickle my cheek.

The entire time Dorothy is dancing down the yellow brick road I'm stiff as a board. Swallowing thickly I fight to keep my hands still on Avery's waist.

I can't focus on the movie, Mrs. Parker's face keeps popping up in my mind.

"Theo..." Avery whispers, my head turns to look at her in the dark, but something soft presses up against it. My heart lurches, and my body stiffens as Avery's mouth moves against mine.

Mrs. Parker's frowning face burns into the side my brain.

"Holy shit, Avery!" I cry out, and reel back. I get tangle up in the blankets, and wipe my mouth.

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