The Eighteenth Letter

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Avery's POV

"I'm sorry." Theo mutters under his breath for the fifth time in half in hour. Sitting as far from him as possible I fight to swallow down tears salty as the ocean.

Everything hurts. My eyes are stinging, my head is throbbing, and my heart feels like it's burning a hole right through my chest. But I just sit still, struggling to keep my tears mute as possible.

As soon as Lucas's pick up truck slows down in front of the barn I hop out.

"Hey, wait!" Theo calls after me, and hurriedly puts the truck in park. "Avery!" That's all it takes, the sound of my name ringing in his deep voice makes my feet stop working.

"I... I'm sorry." He says again.

"Would ya stop saying sorry already?" I whirl around with a cracking voice. Theo isn't looking at me like he usually does. Instead his blue eyes are looking at me like I'm a fragile vase wobbling on a ledge, either going to fall and crash or going to balance out and stay whole.

God, I hate that look. I want him to look at me like he always does, like I'm the sun in the sky. But his gaze is just pity.

"What else am I suppose to say?" He asks half heartedly.

"What else am I suppose to say?" He asks half heartedly

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"I thought ya felt the same way." I say, my voice wobbling.

"I can't." Theo sighs. "I just can't." Theo growls, tugging at his blonde hair.

"I'm gonna say it once, okay?" I warn, and Theo's face pales as if a gun is pointed right between his blue eyes. His pained expression turns the faucets on, water pours out but I still smile at him.

"I love ya, Theo." I mange enough strength to keep my voice steady. Theo wipes his face, and looks like he's about to puke.

"Okay, good night." I shrug, not wiping away the tears. I just force my feet to walk me to the main house.

Theo's POV

"Fuck!" I breathe, watching Avery walk inside her house. My hands ball up into fists at my sides, and all I want to do is hit something.

"Hey man, how was my baby?" I don't move when I hear Lucas.

"Avery?" I manage.

"I'm not talking about my little sister, I'm talking about my truck!" Lucas clarifies. I finally look away from the spot where Avery was a moment ago. Lucas runs his hands along the metal of his truck like he's carcass ing an actual girl.

"Keys, city boy." Lucas snaps in my direction. I toss the keys at him with a little more force than necessary.

"Geez, man," Lucas's car daze fades away, "did your date not go that great?" Lucas rolls his eyes.

"It wasn't a date!" I growl.

"Right." Lucas says sarcastically, but stiffens at my glare.

"God all mighty, ya serious." Lucas's eyes widen at me.

"The two of y'all aren't dating?" Lucas asks.

"Of course not!" I bark.

"But... But y'all are chummy and sweet on each other. I thought- everyone thought y'all two were, well, together." Lucas says, collapsing against his truck like the wind is knocked out of him.

"Y'all really aren't a pair?" Lucas asks as if it's really that unbelievable.

"Yes." I grind out between clenched teeth.

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