The Fourteenth Letter

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Avery's POV
"Avery Joanna Parker! Lights out in ten minutes. Come on down, sweetie!" My mama's voice rings up to the barn's second floor. I groan, hefting myself off Theo's bed.

"Alright! I'm coming down now!" I holler back to my mama. Before mama knew I was hoardin' Theo up in here I would stay up here near till morning, but now that she knows there is a boy up here she personally walks me back to the main house at 10 sharp every night.

"Damn..." Theo mumbles, standing up from the bed. "I don't want you to leave." Theo sighs, running his hand through my hair affectionally.

"I don't want to go, but ya heard the landlord, I can't stay up here alone with ya at night." I say, Theo opens his mouth, but shuts it.

"Right..." Theo says. "Sweet dreams, Ave." Theo says, pressing a lingering kiss to my temple. Butterflies ripple in my stomach, and I lean into his touch a little.

"Goodnight, Theo." I manage to say, feeling my hands reach up and find his rough hands. Theo pulls his lips away, burying his head in my hair. I feel my heart skip a beat, and hammering away in my chest unevenly.

I lay on my back, glazing up at the ceiling over my bed. I can't sleep, I've been tossing and turning all night. I just can't fall asleep, my heart flutters at any thought of Theo. Craning my neck I look out my window at my window at the barn.

I wonder if Theo is sleeping well... Or if he's tossing and turning like me. I suddenly swing my feet over my bed, and tip toe out of my room. The house is pitch dark, and the floor is icy cold under my feet. Noah, Lucas, Cassie... My heart pounds in my ears as I sneak pass all my siblings' room. With a creaky ten minute venture down the stairs I finally make it out the house.

My body instantly trembles when I get outside, the only light the moon high over my head. Without a glance at the main house I trudge towards the barn. I should have grabbed a sweater or at least a pair of socks. I hustle quickly as possible, avoiding jagged rocks.

Opening the barn door quietly as possible I sneak through a crack. My feet softly pad on the latter as I climb up. My toes curl at Theo's shut door, my stomach knotting up anxiously. I knock softly, but I doubt zTheo heard it, he's probably fast asleep. I'm dumb for coming all the way up here in the middle of the night.

"Avery?" Theo gazes at me, standing in the door. My breath hitches, Theo is only in a pair of black boxers, his tattoos in plain sight on his toned muscles. All the piercings are gone from his face, his blonde hair is a mess on his head, and his blue eyes are half lidded.

"Am I dreaming?" Theo asks, his voice deep and heavy with sleep.

"Dreaming?" I ask breathlessly.

"You were the last thing I thought of before falling asleep, so I might be dreaming about you now?" Theo yawns. Stepping forward I bury my head in his shoulder, right between two tattoos. His tattooed arms loop tightly around me, pulling me flushed against him.

"You feel to real to be a dream." He murmurs sleepily. Theo rubs gently on my hip with his thumb, making me feel so relaxed I feel sleepy.

"Why are you up?" Theo asks quietly.

"I wanted to be with you." I admit, pulling my head up to look at him. I expect him to send me back to my room, to go on about how mama would be livid if she knew I'm standing outside his door right now.

"Okay." He says. My face falls in shock, maybe he's to tired to protest, or maybe he wants me here as badly as I want to be here. Shutting the door, Theo soundlessly guides me to his bed. I climb in next to him, his arms wounding around my waist. He pulls me flush against him, and for a second I panic he'll feel my racing heart.

Our legs tangle, his fingers press against me, and our noses brush. Theo is my best friend, and I'm his, but being this close to him I'm not aware that were a guy and a girl sharing a bed. No, I'm aware how I want him closer to me, how I want to feel his hands on me, how I want him to kiss me.

I'm in love with my best friend.

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