The Fifteenth Letter

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Avery's POV

"Theo!" I holler up into the barn. "Theo, are ya here?" I call through the seemingly empty barn. Quiet answers me, where could he be? Is Theo out with my brothers again?

"Lookin' for your Nicholas Sparks?" My older brother Lucas asks, walking into the barn with tools under his arms.

"Nicholas Sparks?" I ask, raising a brow.

"Yeah, cause he writes ya love notes." Lucas explains making my cheeks redden.

"Is Theo still working out in the field?" I ask, ignoring his comment.

"No," Lucas answers. "We finished our work for the day a while ago." Lucas adds.

"Oh." I sigh. My brother stops organizing the pitch forks and gives me a questioning look, his light eyes scanning me from head to toe.

"Why do ya look so nice?" He asks, making me stiffen in my highwaisted sunflower shorts and white lace crop top. Since my realization from last night I woke up before Theo so he wouldn't see me with my bed head, and my face without makeup. Normally, I wouldn't care if Theo saw me looking plain or gross, he's my best friend. But... I don't want the person I love to see me like that. So, yeah, I put an effort into my appearance today, I want him to think I'm pretty.

But I don't want anyone to know that I put in work in my appearance.

"Wha... what do ya mean?" I ask, fidgeting with my pockets.

"Ya look all pretty, and stuff." Lucas gives me a teasing grin. "Did ya do yar hair too?" Lucas asks suspiciously.

"I... I just tried something new." I attempt to deny.

"Are ya wearing makeup for Nicolas Sparks?" Lucas teases, making me press my lip glossed lips together.

"No." I lie, making my older brother smirk.

"Ave, ya are a terrible liar." Lucas says. I open my mouth to protest but my older brother leaps forward, and gives me a noogie. I let out a yelp, and shove him away.

"Ugh, Lucas! Ya messed up my hair!" I huff, finger combing my brown hair. My brother only laughs at my frantic state. I shoot him an annoyed glare, and walk out to the barn. Geez, it took me an hour to curl my hair into these perfect swirls and waterfall braids instructed off Pininterest. I walk around back the barn to see if my pen pal is behind the barn.

"Theo?" I call out, walking up to the outdoor shower.

"Ugh, Avery?" I grin at the sound of Theo's deep voice.

"Yeah, I have something I want to ask ya." I say, reaching into my pocket.

"... Ugh, Avery, I'm taking a shower." I freeze in place, my face going bright red.

"Oh... s-sorry." I mange, feeling stupid and hot embarrassment.

"Give me a minute." He calls over the divider. Despite not being able to see anything I still turn my back to shower. I hear faucets squeak, and the rustle of fabrics.

"Avery, you can turn around." I hesitantly turn around, instantly getting flutters at the sight of his handsome face and tattoos. Theo is still dripping wet, his blonde hair looking darker and sticking to his forehead. Water runs down Theo's shirtless body and his tattoos, making my toes curl and my tongue weigh down like led.

"You wanted to ask me something, Avery?" He asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"Um, yeah," I regain function of my mouth, and pull out the neatly folded flyer in my pocket. "I saw this in town today," I start, ironing out the flyer. My stomach is in knots, my heart is racing and my hands are getting clammy. "There's gonna be a dance-"

"Like  a town social?" Theo jokes, giving me a grin that makes my stomach do flips.

"Yeah." His grin making me smile. Just ask him Avery! "Do ya want to go together?" I force out.

"Dancing isn't really my thing." Theo says, making my grin fall from my face.

"We don't have to dance." I say.

"Not dance at a dance?" Theo asks, giving me an amused look.

"It's fine." I quickly say. Please go. Please go with me.

"Do I have to dress up?" He asks.

"Well, it is a formal event, but ya don't have to." I say. "I like ya the way ya are." I add, my cheeks gong red. Theo gives me a smile, making my heart speed up.

"You really want to go, don't you?" Theo asks, his blue eyes locking on my brown ones.

"I want to go with ya." I say, my hope nearly making me hop in place because I just don't know what else to do with all my nerves.


"Okay?" I brighten, a hopeful smile spreading on my face.

"Okay." Theo grins.

"Okay." I say with a cheerful tune in my voice, a huge smile on my face. I start to walk back to the house, a happy skip in my step.

"Hey Avery," Theo calls, making me turn around. "You look pretty today." He says, making me feel so happy that I feel like I can fly. I love him.

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