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( This story contains a trigger warning. There will be mentions of sexual assault and possible acts.)

A lot of things have gone wrong in a short period of time. Waiting in silence with a woman, not to mention an ancient witch he barely knew was truly testing his patience. Something the birth of his daughter had taught him.

He could have just snapped her neck after losing focus, but he dreaded the idea of having to explain to Hope the reason he murdered one of her aunts, if what Freya had said was true.

Did he believe that Freya was his long lost sister, the paranoia absolutely did not, but then logic always prevailed.

On another note, he couldn't misplace her head due to the fact that they needed assistance with Rebekah's problem, since the body she had possessed was acting up.

As they were patiently awaiting Elijah's return at the compound, it was then he remembered his other problem that made herself known, last night.


It did not take long to plant the seed in Aiden's head, convincing him to take over from Jackson. It was running smoothly until a faint but familiar scent tingled hid nostrils, fighting the edge to sniff it out incase Aiden asked more questions, or perhaps found him odd.

Quickly and without alerting his own egency, he dismissed the crescent wolf to think about his proposal before ushering him out, pushing him out as aggressively as possible, with his right hand on his back.

"Be sure to get back to me after aligning your thoughts," Klaus said after pushing him to the gate, "send my love to the rest." He did not need to disclose the details they had discussed will stay between them.

Placing his hands behind him with a wicked smile, watching the werewolf roll his eyes at him before he left.

Just as quickly as he left, the smile faded, appearing to be more curious than ever as he continued to stair through the entrance, waiting to see if the person was going to make her way in there.

The scent was getting closer by the second. Taping his foot while waiting to see if it will just pass by with the wind, but it did not. It became stronger as it got near, already listening to the heartbeat that wasn't even, two of them if he's been specific. The other belonging to the person accompanying his suspect.

He wondered if she came alone or with her friends, but remembered that they are both vampires now, meaning that he had no idea what to think either than the fact that she was perhaps with company, traveling the streets of New Orleans.

Thinking so, he moved to launch himself on the couch after coming to the conclusion. Deciding to take that moment to breath, even if it was just for show. Hope was with Hayley meaning that he could relax since everyone else was out dealing with problems as usual.

After tossing his head on the couch, he only realized just then that the scent was too near, the two heartbeats indicating to him that they were both just outside the compound.

He couldn't sense her nerves, but he knew that she hesitated making their presence known. Another thought came into mind, that she might be with Dahlia or worse, his long lost sister who's true aim was to harm Hope.

Shooting up from his couch, mumbling a curse to himself. "Come out, come out, little witch," he yelled while moving to the entrance slowly. He had no idea what to expect, but he knew never to underestimate the girl. "Or should I say come in, come in."

In The Arms Of My Enemy - Bonnie Bennett FicWhere stories live. Discover now