Episode 04

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Mystic Falls

Matt took a corner from the bathrooms, making his way in the bar. The defense programme to be a deputy was truly taking its toll on him. When you minus the times were he was on official duty due to lack of officers at the station.

It was not shocking to some residents as to why, but it definitely was to the senator of Virginia.

Tyler came in frequently to assist being a bartender after becoming really close friends with him and needed a routine to keep himself in check.

He was just locking his car after packing it outside before running into Stefan. The vampire gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking that he did not scare him, but his heartbeat was a clear indication.

"Tyler," Stefan called out behind him, Tyler stiffening in fear, but also frustration. "We need to talk." Stefan watch him check the door if it was locked. "It's about Caroline."

The boy rolled his eyes while making his way to the front door. "I told Elena last night that I haven't seen her."

Stefan watched as he kept heading for the entrance. "I heard but, have you tried maybe giving her a call," he continued after he snapped his head at him, knotting his eyebrows, "we have been crunching down her weaknesses, something that will bring her back."

Tyler scoffed. "And you thought that it was me?" He turned to leave him standing there as he walked into the restaurant.

The Grill was full since it was a Friday, almost sunset.

Matt watched him step on the wooded floor in frustration, his face frowning. "Let me guess," he teased before grinning, "whomever her name is, left you on read."

Tyler sighed as he joined him in the bar. "It was Stefan."

Matt's eyes popped. "Sorry for assuming man, didn't know you also swing that way."

Tyler gave him deadpanned look. "Stefan Salvatore." That was enough to drop Matt's jaw. "Come on man, Stefan ambushed me outside about Caroline."

Matt rubbed his chest and sighed in relieve. "My mind almost went while," Tyler knitted his eyebrows as he glanced at him, "the Stefan part, Tyler. Come on."

They both laughed as they continued with fixing the drinks and taking orders.

Stefan was just standing outside, his hand playing with his phone, wondering if he should tell Elena the news, that once again, he had no lead.

He quickly dialed his ex and put his phone to his ear while it rang.

"You Bonnie," a voice approaching The Grill said, "as in Bonnie Bennett?"

He turned around to the three girls that were heading his way. The one who asked the question was a blonde, accompanied by two brunettes.

"Yes, I tell you," one of the brunette said.

"Now it all makes sense," the other brunette said, "she ran away after learning about the pregnancy, came back for a couple of stuff, then ran away again."

The other two girls nodded. " I bet she'll be coming back after giving birth," the blonde said.

"I wonder who the father is?" They all giggled. "I mean, for her to be this reckless, he must been truly worth it."

"Right," the blonde said, "walking around school back in the day as Ms. Perfect."

The other brunette snorted. "It is always the perfect ones that head the opposite direction ones they are done with high school."

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