Chapter 13 - Oh My Fucking God

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"You really like touching my hair?" Geralt voices as I run my soapy hands through his wet hair.

"I do." I reply sitting on the edge of the bath my bare legs dipped into the water on both sides of his body. "Lean forward so I can rinse you off."

"Or you could join me." Geralt says a smirk filling his lips.

"As tempting as that sounds, that water is filthy." I reply pulling my legs out of said water as I move to grab a nearby bucket of water.

"It's not too bad." He replies making me chuckle.

"Right," I add as I lift the bucket of water up and dump it over his head. He groans as he reaches up and washing his face slicks his hair back.

Walking over to a nearby dresser I grab the towels off of it and walking back to the bath hand them to him. When he stands up, I unconsciously look down at his crotch causing my cheeks to flush red as I quickly look away.

"See something you like?" He asks his voice low and suggestive.

"Maybe..." I reply deciding to play his little game.

I feel his hands gently touch my forearms as he slides them up to my shoulders. I close my eyes as my heart starts to race in my chest. His lips gently brush kisses against the side of my neck as they make their way downward. An excited sigh escapes my lips as I lean back into his touch. It'd been six years since I had been touched by him let alone anyone else. Heat fills my body causing me to turn to meet his gaze.

Geralt stares through his lashes down into my (E/C) eyes as he silently conveys his need for me. Gulping down a breath of air I reach up and gently move a strand of wet hair from his face.

"Geralt," I breathe his name out as he instantly closes the distance between our lips claiming my own.

My arms instantly shoot out as they wrap around his neck pulling him in closer. His hands shooting to my thighs as he lifts me up into the air my legs wrapping around his waist. Geralt pushes through the door that led to my room all the while not pulling his lips from mine. Walking through it, he kicks it closed and without missing a step walks us over to my bed.

Reaching it Geralt turns and sits down upon it so that I am straddling his lap. I didn't know if it was because it was him or because it had been so long since the last time I had had sex; but my panties were soaked. Geralt pulls away for a moment as his eyes meet mine once again. I bite my lip as I climb off to stand before him. Smiling seductively, I reach up and gently pulling the ties of my dress let it fall to pool at my feet. Geralt's jaw clenches as his eyes fall down to the lacey red panties I had on.

"Those are new?" He says his voice hoarse with want.

"I brought some with me when I came back, just in case."

"In case of what?" Geralt asks his mind filling with thoughts of someone else seeing me like this.

"In case you came back." I add making a smirk fill his lips.

"Oh?" He inquires.

"You're the only one I'll let touch my body, Geralt." I say as I take a step towards him. "I belong to you, as you belong to me."

My hands reach out to cup his cheeks as his slide up my thighs to grip at my hips, his thumbs rubbing back and forth against the lace. Tilting his face up I claim his lips with mine, my tongue dancing with his in perfect rhythm. As our kiss deepens his hands move from my hips up to splay against my back pulling me in closer. A moan escapes my lips causing me to pull away slightly as I gasp for air.

Geralt takes the break in our kiss to move his lips downward trailing kisses down my neck, chest, and my stomach stopping just below my belly button. My fingers delve into his hair as I grip it tightly causing an angry moan to escape his lips. I smile at the reaction. He growls hungrily as he grabs my waist and pulls me down onto the bed with him. Geralt rolls over pinning me to the bed as a smirk fills his lips. His fingers travel painstakingly slow as they move to the lace at my hips.

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