Chapter 17 - Out Of Reach

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I sit in a corner next to Thor as I glance around the room at the people in the tavern. All of them were being rowdy and unruly. It was a dramatic change from the quiet of the castle. I felt annoyed. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Are you okay?" Thor asks kicking me slightly under the table.

"Not really, it's too loud." I reply contemplating telling them all to shut up.

I could do it. It wouldn't be hard. It would however be an abuse of my powers. Something I had promised myself to never do. I've seen what could happen when my powers were abused, and it wasn't a pretty picture.

I lean back against the wall and closing my eyes try to drown out the voices. My mind instantly drifts to think of the last time I had seen Geralt. My heart clenches at the sight of his back fading into the distance.

"This is a first for me, and that's saying something. I've very few firsts left." I hear the voice of the man from before say, and I focus in on his words. "But to dine with the Geralt of Rivia..."

My eyes instantly shoot open as I hear his words. Thor's eyes meet mine for a second in confusion as they silently ask me what's wrong. Looking around the room I spot a familiar head of silver hair and my throat clenches. He was here. Right here in front of me.

What was I going to say? Why was he with the man from before? I needed air. My heart starts to race and I instantly jump up and make my way out the door. Once outside I take a deep breath and try to calm my heart. What the fuck was I supposed to say to him? More importantly, how the fuck, was I going to just walk back inside like nothing had happened?

"Are you alright?" I hear a female voice ask and I turn to see the most beautiful purple eyes I had ever seen in my life.

"I don't know." I answer fanning my face. "I'm having a slight panic attack."

"Here, let me see your hands." She says holding her hands out to me.

I eyeball them for a moment not sure if I should trust her before my body moves on it's own and I take her hands.

"Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Focus on something that grounds you." She says and I do as I am told.

I close my eyes and think of Ciri. Her beautiful and happy smile filling her face as she looks at me and I feel my heart start to calm down. After a few moments I open my eyes and letting out a breath of air smile.

"Thank you, I don't know how to thank you."

"It's quite alright. Just happy to help." She replies releasing my hands.

"Well, if my thanks is all I can offer, then, Thank you again Miss?"

"Yennefer. Yennefer of Vengerberg."


Geralt listens as the man in front of him talks about a rogue dragon causing havoc nearby. The local king even commissioned a hunt to kill the poor creature.

"Four teams have signed on. The winner gets the dragon treasure hoard, plus the title of Lord over one of his new vassal states. That is... if he survives." Borch says pausing to see Geralt's reaction.

"What does this have to do with me?" Geralt asks as he fiddles with the handle of his mug.

Borch purses his lips for a moment before he covers his heart with his hands.

"I want you to join my team. I have two others who are willing to help us out when then arrive." Borch answers and Geralt narrows his eyes.

"I can hear it now... a tale of two Zerrikanians and their valiant poet lover. Oh! We're so doing this. We're in." Jaskier says as he looks at the two women in front of him a chuckle filling his voice.

"You've wasted your breath, Borch. I don't kill Dragons." Geralt responds with a soft smirk on his face.

Borch sighs.

"Take my advice. No treasure is worth dying for." Geralt adds.

"Depends on the treasure." Borch replies his face filling with sadness and regret. "What I need is... a new adventure. One final first before I'm too old to do anything but die." Borch adds looking down at his hands.

"You think killing a dragon will bring you that?" Geralt asks pulling Borch's attention back to him.

"All I know id there's one path up the mountain, and it's overrun with monsters. With you on my team, dear Witcher, we'll be unstoppable." Borch concludes and Geralt shakes his head.

"Someone, get me a fucking drink!" a loud voice yells out pulling their attention.

Geralt looks over to see some dwarves at the bar waiting impatiently for a drink.

"Those dwarfs will be part of the hunt." Borch says as everyone at the table looks over at them.

"Geralt could handle them in his sleep." Jaskier adds with chuckle.

Just then a bald headed one rushes the bar and then climbing on top of it grabs the bartender and yells, "He said he wants four fuckin' pints. Now." Geralt just shakes his head.

"Or maybe a little bit awake." Jaskier adds.

"Then there are the Reavers." Téa says and they glance over to a man who has a whore on his lap. "Have you heard of them Witcher?"

"Yes." He answers Téa before turning back to Borch and adding, "And the answer is no."

"You feel it just the same as me... that hole inside you. That itch that can't be scratched that burns your brain; keeps you awake at night. Come with me. I'll show you what you're missing." Borch whispers leaning across the table to hold Geralt's attention.

"What am I missing?" Geralt questions his brow furrowing.

"Sorry to interrupt this lovely moment... That's only three. Where's the... what's the fourth team and who are your other two?" Jaskier asks.

Borch turns and lets out a chuckle as he says, "Them."

Geralt looks up to see a familiar face and his heart starts to race. Her (E/C) eyes meet his and it's like he's caught in a trance. How long had it been since he had left her behind in Cintra? Why was she here and why, was she helping with a dragon? She couldn't possibly fight a dragon. Her powers were amazing, but they only worked on people.

"(Name)!" He hears Jaskier call out from beside him as he instantly jumps up from his chair and runs over to her.

Geralt watches as a bright smile fills her face as she wraps her arms around Jaskier's neck and hold him tight.

"I'm in." Geralt replies, his eyes never looking away from her.

"The hunt begins at sunrise." Borch says as he looks over at his female companions.

Geralt watches as Jaskier motions over to the table where he and the rest of their company are sitting for her to follow but she shakes her head. Confusion fills Jaskier's face as he slowly turns back to her. She says something to him before she turns to point to the corner of the room. (Name) gives Jaskier a little wave before she turns and walks off to a table in the corner. Geralt's eyes follow her as she makes her way to someone who was waiting for her.

The figure of a man coming into his vision. He looks away down at his mug as the thought of her having possibly moved on crushing his heart. His mind starts to race at the possibility. If she had moved on then it would be his own fault, but then maybe that would be better for her. She wouldn't be in as much danger if she was with someone else.

Jaskier sits down next to him and Geralt glances at his friend.

"How is she?" Geralt asks his eyes returning to his mug.

"She seems fine." He starts then leaning in closer to Geralt adds, "I don't know what you did to piss her off, but I think you should avoid her for the moment. That is if you want to keep all your extremities." Jaskier replies making Geralt furrow his brow. "Just a suggestion." 

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