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Once the final bell rang I went to my locker and dumped my textbooks. Me being me, I finished my homework during my free period which left me with nothing to do once I got home. I was walking to our car when I saw Adam walking towards me. He was waving but ignored him like I had been all day.

"Anna! Anna, why have you been avoiding me all day? You didn't come to the lunch table we always sit at. What's wrong?" He asks. Like he doesn't know...

I exhale loudly before speaking. "Nothing's wrong, Adam."

"Really, because it seems to me that you are mad." He has the nerve to cross his arms.

Now that's where he set me off.

"Okay, yeah. Maybe I am mad. Mad at you!" I say, my voice creeping up in volume.

"Why would you be mad at me? Your boyfriend."

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe it's because you banged some girl at that party you begged me to go to with you!" My vision blurred but I was still beyond angry. How could he just act like he never did a single thing?!

"Okay, Anna just let me explain-" I cut him off as my hand collided with his right cheek.

"I can't believe you! Nearly 2 years together, Adam! Two damn years! Why would you throw them away while hooking up with someone you probably didn't even know! And even when I got to school, you didn't talk about it. I doubt it would take much to just admit it! To your girlfriend!" I scream at him. He stood there completely dumbfounded, eyes locked on mine.
"I knew you wouldn't have anything to say. Just don't ever talk to me again. I've had enough of your careless actions." I began walking to my car.

"Anna, wait." He croaked. He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

"Can you let go of me? We're over! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!" I scream as the salty tears spill out of my eyes. He finally let go and looked at me sadly.

I ran to the car and the second I got in, I locked the doors and broke down. I sobbed uncontrollably. I hated crying this way. The hiccuping, the sniffling. I can't believe that because of him, I was sobbing in the car. On top of the fact that I have no idea where my brother is. I wanted to get Adam out of my head. I grabbed my hair and pulled at the ends of it and just screamed.

Around 5 minutes later I heard a tap on the driver side window. My eyes still bloodshot and fresh tears still falling I looked up. Grayson was the one who tapped on the door. I quickly unlocked the doors and stepped out.

"Here's the keys, you can drive I'll sit in the back. I don't want to get you in a car accident." I stifled a laugh and looked at the ground. I saw the other 4 behind him. "One of you can sit in the front, I don't mind." I took a seat in the back. Our mum had a black Range Rover so it was kind of spacious.

Michael sat in the front and I sat in the back at the window while Calum sat next to me. He was definitely my favorite out of the 4 of them. He was basically my other brother. I leaned towards the door and look out the window. "Anna." He said softly. The boys were a little silent besides the small talk they had every now and then. I turned to Calum and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I sniffled and nuzzled myself a little bit. "I'm guessing Adam?" He asked as if he already knew the answer. I barely nodded as I closed my eyes.

"Forget about him. If he made you cry this much, then he's not worth it and it's very likely that I will be beating the living daylights out of him." I cracked a smile and laughed. He always knew what to say. He held my hand as I fiddled with his fingers.

Once we got home, we all hung out for a while. The guys left after about 3 hours of just lounging around and eating. It was nice having them here. Kept my mind off of Adam.

"So you confronted Adam?" Grayson asked me.

"I did and we argued a lot but now he gave up trying to convince me." I sigh deeply.

"That goes to show how much of a douche he is." Gray shakes his head.

"Yeah I guess. I wish he wouldn't have practically lied to my face. That made it hurt worse. You know? At least if he immediately called me or grabbed me at school and told me he made a mistake...that he felt sorry. Maybe we could've fixed it." I drop my head on the couch. I can feel the tears building in my eyes again. Grayson scoots closer to me, trying to comfort me best he can.

"But would you really want to fix it? After what he did? Truth or not, he cheated. He's a cheater. And once a cheater always a cheater. As far as I'm concerned, you got out of a soon to be bad relationship. Now you can move on. With someone that values you. Not walk over you."

I sit and process Gray's words. Maybe he's right. I got out. I shouldn't waste my tears on a boy I already wasted my time with. I can move on. Only question is, with who?
A/N: the picture above is what the city they live in looks like. It's beautiful isn't it?

So I'm sorry this took so long. It's just, softball games, tests, EVERYTHING
BUT I am here with this chapter so no worries!

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