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I woke up around 2pm and headed to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes quickly found my neck as I gasped.

Four noticeable hickeys outlined my neck and just under my jawline. By now they were a light shade of purple.

I decided to not leave my room because I know if Grayson saw these, he would flip shit on me...and Luke.

That is not something either of us need.


It's about 6pm when I feel my stomach growling. I put on Luke's hoodie from my dresser where I left it last night. I pull the fabric over my head and quickly run down the stairs to the kitchen. I grab a box of cookies but before I can enjoy them, I'm pushed back by a giant.

My eyes shift from the ground up to a pair of ocean blue eyes.


"What're you doing with those cookies hmm, Anna?" He asks as he takes them from my hand. I whine in response and he chuckles.

"I just want to read a book and eat cookies, alright?" I attempt to say sternly but giggle in the end.

"Okay. But I don't see why you need to wear the hoodie though. We're inside." He says as he begins to bring his hand up to the hood.

"No!" I whisper yell as I slap his hand away.

"Why?" He asks curiously, a smirk painting his face.

I glare at him before pulling the hood off of my head. He bursts out laughing, noticing the faded purple marks.

"Oh, I see now. Well how about I make some new ones?" He smirks again as he takes a step towards me. "The guys aren't here." He says, reading my mind. "They went to get food."

I glance at the door then back to the blue eyed boy towering over me. He continues stepping towards me and I step backwards until I hit the counter behind me.

Luke effortlessly lifts me onto the counter, putting us at eye level. Instead of kissing me like I thought he would, he stands there. Admiring me.

"I love how big my hoodie looks on you, hiding your little hands." He pushes the fabric off of my hands to lace his fingers with mine.

I blush at the action. When my eyes meet his again, there's barely any space between us.

"And you're adorable little face." He whispers and cups my cheek in his hand. I feel my face heat up even more. He smiles sweetly before softly pressing his lips to mine.

I smile before kissing him back.

It's like a million butterflies flutter in my stomach.

This kiss is nothing like the last, filled with lust and passion. This kiss is simple. An act of lo-

We're interrupted by the sound of the doorknob. He pulls away tugging my lip in the process, causing a whine from me. 

Luke looks to the door and I take the opportunity to snatch the cookies from behind him.

"No I wanted cookies!" He pouts like a baby while Grayson and the other guys walk in with pizza.

"Yeah, because that's all you wanted." I tease and Luke shakes his head.

"Don't act all innocent." He whispers and pokes me in the side.

"Whatever!" I push him, hoping none of the boys heard our conversation. Luke heads to the living room while I head back to my room.

"She gets none, it's all for me!" Michael screeches.

"Mike, shut up!" Calum says and I hear a smacking noise as walk up the stairs.

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