Chapter 2

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"Y/n?" I heard behind me, oh shit...
I turned around and saw my ex Madelyn Cline, "mads hey" I said a little happy that I met her "how you been?" She asked me "good! You?" I asked "it's been better, I just got out of a relationship" Madelyn said "with chase, right?" "Yeah" she confirmed.

Me and Madelyn talked together for maybe an hour, we talked about what we're doing at work and how much fun we used to have together. Me and Madelyn always have been good friends even after our breakup.

"Well I should probably head home" Madelyn said laughing at something funny I said "yeah me too, it was good seeing you again" I said hugging her "yeah you too, we should hang out sometime" "yeah" we both said still hugging. "Bye y/n" "bye Madelyn" I said waving to her,
I looked to my left to find my sisters and saw that Elizabeth has been looking at me, when we made eye contact she looked away.

 "Bye y/n" "bye Madelyn" I said waving to her, I looked to my left to find my sisters and saw that Elizabeth has been looking at me, when we made eye contact she looked away

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(Ignore the Wanda maximoff stuff, it's Lizzie)

I found my sisters and currently we're driving home to Gigi, Bella is sleeping there and I just get bored when I'm alone in my big house. "Let's watch love actually" Bella said "ugh fine" I said sitting down in the couch "I got popcorn!" Gigi said carrying three big bowls of popcorn "yes let's go!" I said eating

Middle in the movie I fell asleep and I woke up of Gigi and Bella freaking out "y/n WAKE UP!" Gigi said looking at her phone "what?" I asked annoyed that she had woken me "look!" She said showing me a picture of me and Madelyn hugging.

Middle in the movie I fell asleep and I woke up of Gigi and Bella freaking out "y/n WAKE UP!" Gigi said looking at her phone "what?" I asked annoyed that she had woken me "look!" She said showing me a picture of me and Madelyn hugging

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"Oh god no" I said slapping my forehead "jeez what's this?" I asked "my insta is literally filled with stuff like this about you." Gigi said "so?" Bella asked "so what?" I asked "are you together again?" She asked "no we're just friends" I said calling her

Me and mads talked together for half an hour and Agreed to post on our social media that we're not dating. After we posted it fans went crazy and wrote that were ship and need to get back together. Jeez...

Lizzie POV:

When I saw thousands of posts about madelyn and y/n I got really sad, but I looked at y/n's insta and saw her post where she says she and Madelyn is just good friends. Thank god, she even confirmed she's single! I feel so relived

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