Chapter 32

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I woke up on the my couch, Lizzie must have gotten to the bed cuz she's not here.

I stood up and walked to the bedroom "y/n ?" Liz said sitting up in the bed "it's 1 in the night what are you doing?" "You weren't with me" I said lowly "I tried waking you up, and I can't carry you.. y/n im sorry" Liz said standing up and walked to me "it's fine, I'm sorry for waking you" we both walked over to the bed, Liz fell asleep immediately but me, I couldn't sleep at all

I laid in bed for hours, i then decided to make breakfast for me and liz.

I started cutting some strawberries, when I was going to get the table ready I grabbed a few plates and they broke... I cut my self in so many places but when I looked it was just blood there no injuries. What is going on?!

"Y/n ?! You okay?!" Liz said running to the kitchen "yeah I'm fine I just broke some plates" I said forgetting all of the blood on myself "your bleeding!" "No, it's just blood no injuries" I said making her look at me worried "how's that possible?" She asked "I need to test a thing" I said, before she could to or say anything I grabbed the knife and cut my arm, I bled but the wound healed

"what the actual fuck?!" Liz said worried "y/n , how did you break those plates?" "I took them with a little force" I realised that I might have some sort of superpowers or something "do you think?- "maybe" I answered, she handed me one of our dumbbells I took it and it felt like carrying a feather, I got a good grip and started bending it "what is happening to me?" I asked terrified "it's okay baby, we'll figure it out" she said smiling but still worried
Me and Lizzie went out shopping, it was really hard.. I destroyed a shopping cart and I am terrified, what if I hurt Lizzie or anyone else?

"Did you get the eggs?" Liz asked "yes. But they broke" I laughed nervously "that's fine, come bubs" she said grabbing my hand, I'm literately scared to get a grip, what if I can't control myself

"Oh god" Lizzie said turning around and dragging me away "what's wrong?" I asked "Robbie is here..-" "what? That freaking Walmart Jesus?!" I said maybe a little to Loud, I looked over to him, he had company, a blonde young girl, to young..

I didn't really care about him so we walked away "how is he back?" She asked freaking out "I don't know, but it's okay. We'll be fine" I said smiling "I love you y/n" "I love you too Elizabeth Chase Olsen" I said kissing her

(Another short chapter but I need inspiration and ideas so you can write a idea or someone who should show up:)

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