Chapter 24

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I woke up with scar in my arms, she snores. I laughed at my own thoughts "what's funny?" Scar said with a hot sleepy voice "you, you snore" I laughed "oh shut up" she said hitting me "this is abuse!" I joked

we both got dressed and ate some pancakes before she drove to work.

I wonder how Liz's date was, I hope it went bad.. don't tell her I said that

I got a text from her, speak of the devil

Liz- want me to come over?

Me- uh yeah sure?..

Now I'm confused, she didn't even text hello or good morning wtf is this?!

Lizzie came to my house and we walked to my living room "so how did the date-" I started "I know what you did" she said interrupting me "what?" I asked confused not knowing what she's talking about "I got worried when you didn't pick up the phone so I went over here, then I saw scarletts car, then I walked to your front door and heard moaning from you and scar!" She said, no yelled "so what? It was a one time thing" i probably sound like an ass "why her?" Lizzie frowned "why do you even care?" I yelled back "cuz.." "I'm waiting?" I said referring to a answer "I just do" she said giving up

"You have no right to come here and yell at me for this!" I got so mad, who does she think she is?! "I know okay! I just can't stand the thought of you and her!" "Why?!" "Cuz I love you y/n!" She yelled even louder "well guess what! I love you too!" I yelled louder than her, we both got silent and just looked in each other's eyes "I love you.." she whispered "I love you to.." I said kissing her, we pulled away and she looked confused. This made me confused "something wrong?" "Uh I might have a date in 10 minutes" she said taking her jacket "what?" I frowned "sorry y/n, this was great but.. I'm sorry" she said leaving, what just happened?!

I got frustrated when she left and punched the mirror, I felt my hand bleed but the worst was the pain I felt in my side. I'm bleeding, damn it those stupid stitches! I sat down on the floor cuz I felt lightheaded, where's my phone? On the couch, shit..

I tried to crawl into the living room but I felt to weak, this is it. I'm going to die..

I laid down on my back to keep the bleeding
wound under pressure, shit I'm so stupid!

I closed my eyes and everything was so calm, breath in.. breath out... I feel no pain anymore. It's all just black.

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