Chapter 22

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"Y/n I'm pregnant" hailee said, wait what?! Did she just say that?! "Wait.. really?!" I asked excited "yes" she said sad, why is she sad? "What's wrong?" I asked cupping her face "i uh- it's not yours" she said letting a tear fall from her eye "w-what?" I asked confused "t-then who is it?" "It's Niall's " hailee said, Niall horran? Uh wow this is a lot to take in "and I got one more thing" she started oh god no "I might have scared away the love of your life, I got jealous.. ironic Right? I have cheated on you but still I was the one who got jealous" she chuckled while crying

"Hails, it's okay" I said hugging her "wait what?" She said surprised "yeah, I think we can be good friends, I'm not mad at you. A little hurt? Yea but not mad, and I'm so happy for you" I said kissing her forehead "god y/n your to kind for this world" she said hugging me tight. Right now I have to talk to Lizzie, I need to tell her that I need her and that she can't just come in and out of my life
Two days later:

"So y/n your free to go when you want to" dr grey said "okay, thanks Meredith" I winked "your such a flirt" hailee laughed "I know right"

Hailee drove us home and she packed her stuff "so y/n I'll see you later, remember be careful and call me" she sounds like a worried mom "okay mom" I joked "bye y/n love you" "bye hails" I hugged her goodbye and then decided to watch our movie.. god I'm a great actor

I don't have food, shit.. I can't call scar or hails! Who do I call?! Liz? Yeah okay

I tried calling her but I'm still blocked, I can call Paul and ask for her number

"Hey Paul!"

"Y/n, hi!"

"Listen, I need to contact Liz really bad can you please send me her number?"

"I don't know y/n, there's a reason why she changed it"

"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important"

"Fine (number)"

"Thanks Paul, I love you man" I said hanging up

I called Lizzie


"Hey Liz"

"Y/n? How did you get my number?"

"Paul, uh liz me and hailee are over, and I can't call scar can you help me?"

"Sure, what do you need help with?"

"Driving me to a store so I can buy some food, maybe I can cook us some food"


"Yeah if you drive me you deserve a dinner made by me" I laughed

"Okay, I'm coming right now"

"Okay bye liz"

"Bye y/n"

I got dressed and went outside to wait for Lizzie

I saw her car coming towards me and I smiled the biggest smile when I saw her "hey ba- Liz" I said chuckling "hi" she smiled "you ready?" She asked driving "yup, let's go"———When I had shopped we went to my house "dinner time!" I said running to t...

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I saw her car coming towards me and I smiled the biggest smile when I saw her "hey ba- Liz" I said chuckling "hi" she smiled "you ready?" She asked driving "yup, let's go"
When I had shopped we went to my house "dinner time!" I said running to the kitchen "y/n be careful!" Liz said stressed "okay mom" I laughed

I started making the food and danced to the music I had put on

Lizzies pov:

I saw y/n dancing in the kitchen and she's to cute, this day has been so nice.. I wish it don't have to end, let's just not think about that right now and just continue looking at this cutie

"The dinners ready!" She said pulling out the chair for me to sit in "it smells delicious!" I said happy that I'm here with her "it does doesn't it"

We ate and just looked at each other "so how's everything?" I asked "uh hails pregnant" she laughed "what? Is it you-" "nope not mine" thank god! Or Kinda.. hehe "who's?" "Niall horran, he's a great guy" she said smiling "that's good, so you and Hailee have stayed as friends?" "Yup" she said taking another bite

When we had ate I took my jacket and shoes on ready to go "you leaving?" Y/n asked she looked a little sad, probably me just wishing she was "uh yeah, the food was great tho" I said hugging her "do you want to hang out tomorrow ?" She asked "yeah, that would be nice" I said walking out "bye Liz!" Y/n yelled from her front door. I blew her a kiss and laughed

I drove home and laid down in my bed, if I'm gonna be friends with y/n I need to distract myself with someone. Maybe I should start dating?

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