Chapter 7

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Breaking news y/n hadid has joined the army and is in a relationship with Elizabeth Olsen! Will they last or?....
"Bubs Gigi wants to talk to you" Lizzie said handing me my phone "hey G" I said laughing "why the hell did you join the army?! Your gonna get hurt! Or worse.." she said worried "it's okay I'm okay" I said calm "just don't die, when are you going back?" "I got a week left, and then I'm heading back" I said looking at how Lizzies face shifted "can I come over to your house today?" "Sure" I responded admiring Lizzie "okay il be there at eight" Gigi said hanging up

"Liz, are you okay? You seem off" I asked "I can't believe that three weeks have been this fast, your leaving soon" "it's going to be okay, I will always come home to you" I said kissing her "gosh I love you so much" she said kissing me plenty of times "I love you to, now lets order a pizza and wait for G" I said giggling a little "yeah that sounds nice" she said excited for Gigi to come, after I joined the army they are worried together for me. Bella is more the one to be scared alone and not show it to others, but I know her and after all the letters she has sends me I know she's worried.
Dear- no that is weird, hi y/n.
I miss you a lot and I need to know that your safe and that your coming home for me, G and Liz. The two of them are worried sick..
If you get hurt I will kill you, just to please please please come home again.

How the hell to I finish a letter? Bye?
Dear Bella
I'm safe right now, there has been moments were I got scared but I'm just not used to it. I promise I will always come home to you three, I'm not allowed to say we're I am or what I do but what's Important is that I swear on my life to come back home. If I get hurt you probably won't be able to kill me tho:)
I love you sis. Love y/n..

Ps if you had actually paid attention to school you would have known several ways to finish a letter...
"Y/n the pizzas here!" G yelled from the living room "babe can you get it?" I asked "hm... no" she said giggling "wow" I said lifting her up and started to tickle her "y/n stop!" She laughed "will you go and get the pizza?" "Okay okay!" She said while I put her down "thanks"

"So y/n how do you feel about going back?" Gigi asked "uh I don't know, I'm going to miss you guys" I said thinking about all the stuff I've been thru in the army, it could be worse but I can't get the sounds of gunshots out of my head "are you having nightmares?" G asked looking at me, I saw Lizzie gave me a concerned look. I have been having nightmares not a lot but still... it scares the hell out of me
"No I'm not having nightmares, let's eat" I said changing the whole conversation

"Are you thinking about having concerts again?" Gigi asked "why so many questions?" I asked "you have been away for a long time I feel like I haven't got to know anything" she said sadly "yeah your right, no I haven't" I answered on her question

"oh babe scar is calling" Liz said answering the face time call "auntie Liz! Y/n!" Rose said cutely "hey princess!" We both said at the same time "when can we visit you y/n?" Rose asked holding scar'a phone "come over tomorrow" Lizzie said answering her "we will" scar said over the phone "y/n when are you going back?" Scar asked "less then a week" I said sad "we'll come tomorrow" Scarlett said while her smile faded "yay!" Rose yelled in excitement "bye!" Me and Liz said at the same time

"When are you guys having your own kids?" Gigi asked looking at us "W-what?" I said stressed "you guys love kids shouldn't you make your own" Gigi said smirking "gig-" I got cut of by her phone calling "that's my ride I gotta go now, bye sis bye Liz" G said waving
"Have you ever thought about it?" Liz asked out of no where "of what?" I asked laying down in our bed "kids" "oh yeah, I have but if you don't want kids I'm totally fine with it" I said rubbing her shoulder "I want kids y/n" she said laughing, we stared at each other and this tension was really strong. We started kissing and the kiss went to making out. and the make out session went to.. you know what;)

"Y/n I love you" "I know you do" I joked, she tilted her head and gave me a Wanda maximoff look "in kidding I love you too" I said kissing her

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