Chapter 6

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3 days later :
"So this is it, I'm going but I'll be back in a month" Lizzie said at the airport "yeah il be here, my tour is done in 3 weeks" I said kissing her goodbye "goodbye my love" I said in a British accent "bye bubs" she said kissing me one last time.

At y/n's tour:
"Yo" one of my best friends said "hey" Isaac I said laughing "nervous?" He asked "a little, why?" "I got these pills, try" he said "I guess one won't hurt" I said taking the pill. "Wait, here take two more just for good luck" he said handing me them, I swallowed them "now go rock the world" he said while I stumbled on stage

"Hi guys" I said ready to go all in on this concert "let's go!" I said signalising for my band to start

After I sang the first song I felt dizzy like hell and I almost fell. "Y/n are you okay?" The guitarist asked "y-yeah I'm fine" I said walking back to my mic, I was gonna start the song sweet creature but suddenly everything went black and I fell to the ground

 "Y/n are you okay?" The guitarist asked "y-yeah I'm fine" I said walking back to my mic, I was gonna start the song sweet creature but suddenly everything went black and I fell to the ground

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(Kinda fell like this)
Well if I had known that those pills were going to ruin me I woulda said no, but of course I don't think things thru. It's been all on media how I collapsed on stage and people think I was just exhausted but I can't get my shit Together after that, I cancelled the tour and went home. Lizzie is still filming but we talk every day even tho I just wanna lay in bed and cry all day...
A month later:
Even when Liz got home I couldn't be my self I felt just unhappy, I have no control at all...

What if that soldier had a point, maybe I need to learn control and just join the army. Take a break from all the social media "what are you thinking about?" Lizzie asked cupping my face "joining the army" I said a little lost "why?" She asked confused and a little mad "I have no control, I have lost myself liz" "you don't get to leave me after all we've been thru!" She yelled

 Take a break from all the social media "what are you thinking about?" Lizzie asked cupping my face "joining the army" I said a little lost "why?" She asked confused and a little mad "I have no control, I have lost myself liz" "you don't get to le...

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"I need to this for myself! I have lost me! I need to be me so I can be there for you!" I said standing up "no! You don't get to just join the army and leave!" She said "sorry but I'm going!" I said, when did I even decide that?! "Fine then.." she said starting to pack "Liz" "don't Liz me, you want to leave? Then okay fine just leave" she said crying "it's just for some weeks and you'll be filming, we'll make it work" I said cupping her face "okay, but you have to write letters every day" she said hugging me "of course princess" I said laying both of us down to the bed again
Me and Lizzie are sitting in the car on the way to the airport

"I'm going to miss you" I said holding her hand "I'm going to miss you too" she said holding back tears "just wait for me, okay?" I said kissing her "il always wait y/n" she said letting out a few tears "don't die y/n, I need you and your being sent to Iran it's dangerous" she said hugging me protecting "I need you too, just promise me you will wait" "I will wait y/n, always"
Now we are getting ready for our mission what if I die? What if I get hurt and don't make it back to Liz?

 "I'm going to miss you" I said holding her hand "I'm going to miss you too" she said holding back tears "just wait for me, okay?" I said kissing her "il always wait y/n" she said letting out a few tears "don't die y/n, I need you and your being s...

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It's been quiet for many weeks now. I can soon go home to Lizzie again, we have been writing a lots of letters. My favourite is when she told me about everything, it's like she's still here even tho she's not.
Two weeks later:

I stepped out of the airplane and walked to the exit "y/n!" Lizzie screamed running to me. She jumped up in my arms and we both were so happy.

"I'm so happy your okay" she said "yeah I have this one special person I need to get home to" I said kissing her

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"I'm so happy your okay" she said "yeah I have this one special person I need to get home to" I said kissing her. A lots of paparazzis came up to us and spammed us with questions, we just walked past them and went home.

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