Oneshot - Orangehead

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_______________________________The three had gotten close, which meant that they were all comfortable with each other

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The three had gotten close, which meant that they were all comfortable with each other. Sophie on the other hand.... seemed too comfortable.

"I have something fun to do!" Sophie exclaimed one day. But she had left just as quickly as she had said it before the two could make a response.

Now, Y/N and Agatha watched warily as Sophie began to brew a round pot over a handmade bonfire near the front porch of Agatha's home. Its metal began to darken, its broth beginning to boil and bubble within its confinement.

"You still haven't told me what you were doing, Sophie," Agatha said, eyeing the rusted metal of the pot as grayish smoke coiled and looped itself into the air and past the dark graveyard.

"What I'm concern about is if this is safe! What if we cause a fire, then what!?" Y/N exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air. "I don't want to go to jail!"

Sophie stayed silent, eyes focus on the piece of tangerine in her hands before she began to peel off its outer skin.

"Aggie, Darling?"

Agatha let out a frustrated moan, "What is it now, Sophie?"

"Do you happen to have a blender? Or maybe a smasher?"

"What for?"

"It needs to be blended before I could mix it in," Sophie said.

"I don't get it, Sophie. Why can't you just throw it in? What could you possibly be making?" Y/N groaned. Sophie opened her mouth to speak before Agatha cut in.

"She's right, Sophie. What could you be making? First you put mint leaves and snail eggs. Then you poured your container of perfume, which I know you wouldn't do so suddenly! Now, you want to put tangerine in?!" Agatha crossed her arms.

Sophie only sighed before dumping the tangerine peels into the pot and stirring again. More smoke began to emerge and bubble formation increased, a loud rumbling sound being made with every stir. At last, Sophie stopped stirring, her hands reaching for a pair of oven gloves Agatha had left for her before she carried the pot by the side handles and settled it down on a wide tablecloth that laid on the ground.

Y/N held her breathe as Sophie stumbled silently while carrying the pot, but before she could offer some help, Sophie had already managed to set it down.

Sophie let out a tired sigh, dangling an arm on Agatha, "Why should a girl do all of this carrying? Where's a prince when I need him?"

Y/N laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Why have a prince when you have us?"

"Because a prince is strong," Sophie replied. "A prince can do anything."

Y/N could see Agatha's big bug eyes narrow at Sophie's words before she turned to Y/N.

She's weird Agatha mouthed to Y/N silently.

Now, after draining the soft orange liquid into a water bottle spray, Sophie began to test it out.

Dragging Agatha by the hand, Sophie quickly dragged her into the bathroom with Y/N running after them.

Agatha only panicked, her hands grabbing every corner on the way there and legs kicking as Sophie forced her to sit down.

"What are you doing, Sophie?!" Agatha yelled, as Sophie pulled on bits of her black locks.

"I'm testing it out, now hush," was all Sophie said as she sprayed it onto her hair.


Agatha hollered out a loud scream as Sophie suddenly held a small gold mirror in front of her face- her hair dyed a bright orange shade that glowed under the bathroom chandelier.

"WHAT DID YOU DO??" Agatha exclaimed, hands reaching out to snatch the mirror before Sophie pulled it away.

"I didn't mean for that to happen! It was suppose to be Shampoo!" Sophie yelled back.

"FIX MY HAIR!!" She said, lunging at Sophie as they tackled one another into the living room.

Y/N only stared, a horrified look on her face before she burst into laughter, slapping her knee before she began to cough.

A shadow appeared from the doorway.

Agatha's mother stared at them, bewitched, and Y/N walked other to her in a fit of giggles.

"What in the witch-craft?" Her mother said. "What's going on, why is her hair orange?"

Y/N let out a louder laugh, unable to contain herself. She sucked in a breath before smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry, Miss Callis. Sophie just wanted to test her new potion on your daughter. We'll fix it, don't worry."



It seemed unnecessary but I thought about what happened during a certain sentence in the story and went "Why not make a one shot of it?" So here it is 😂

I'll be updating the next chapter soon but meeting Tedros will probably take a while.

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