The Glass Coffins

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_______________________________Y/N's POV :

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Y/N's POV :

Y/N had left that boy Tedros stranded in the tower alone and now was making her way to Purity tower. It had been written down onto her schedule and she planned to follow it since she had nowhere to go.

A pink glass staircase connected all five floors of Purity Tower, spiraling in a carved replica of Rapunzel's endless hair. The doors had no number from what she could see. Instead, the doors had glittery signs covered in hearts, with their names of course.

Y/N climbed up to the fifth floor, ignoring the looks of girls in puffy pink dresses. One with waist-length gold hair, succulent lips, and topaz eyes passed her with a group of friends before she stopped in her tracks- the sound of clicking heels seized to stop. The girl turned back to observe Y/N before she went forward and tapped the girl on her shoulder.

Y/N turned.

"Hello, I'm Beatrix," She smiled sweetly. "Are you new? I don't recognize you."

"Oh- yeah I am," Y/N stated.

A girl with Arabian skin and bright gray eyes stepped up, in the same frilly pink dress.

"Perhaps we can lend a hand?" She smiled. "It's what princesses do."

"Yes, of course!" Y/N exclaimed, handing the girl her schedule.

The girl took a look at her schedule before she gasped, she dropped the schedule and it fell towards the ground.

"Reena!" A girl with red-hair exclaimed.

"What is it, Reena!?" Beatrix asked the Arabian-skinned girl.

Reena fell onto the floor with a dramatic gasp and clutch the hem of her dress.

The two girls patted Reena on her back soothingly and she managed to spit out her words between gasps. "She has that witch as a roommate!"

The girls sent loud troubled screams and small buzzing creatures turned to see the commotion. At the sight of the trio shrieking on the ground, the creatures whisked them away and into a corner where their screams faded. Y/N crouched to grab her schedule but shrieked when a small miniature face was looking down on her, its wings flapping loudly.

"Jeez, you scared me," Y/N said.

Y/N turned and got up before she felt a small tug on her cloak. The boy fairy kept tugging and Y/N turned. The fairy stared at her. She stared back.

Then she brought her hands towards the fairy and brought her index finger forward in a C-like position. The boy fairy stared at her finger, flying closer. The boy fairy opened his mouth . . .

and bit her finger.

"Uh- ow. That kinda hurts." Y/N frowned, tugging her finger back but he wouldn't let go. His body moving with her fingers. "Can you let go?" Y/N asked politely but it still held on. She sighed and continued her way to her dorm- the fairy still attached.

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