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"Wait, are you serious?" I cackle loudly, falling back onto the plush comforter of my bed. My laptop screen illuminated the tiny corner of my room and once again I get to hear the laugh of an angel in the form of the one person I so desperately wanted to meet.

"Deadly!" He exclaims, wheezing along with me as he finishes telling me the story of how he had to pretend to be one of his friend's father's to pick him up from a police station.

"I can't believe they let him go, I mean, so I really look old enough to be someone's father?" He laughs as I shake my head in disbelief.

"Oh my god, they must've thought that you were a teen parent of some sort because there is no way!" My stomach clenches from the laughing fit as soundless giggles come out of my mouth.

"Oh my god, I still can't picture that. You? As a father?" I snort, making him groan.

"Okay, now you're just having too much fun with that. I'm pretty proud of that night, got my friend out of fuckin' jail with my dad-like looks! Bet you can't do that."

"I can't and I won't," I straighten up, "Besides, my parents would kill me. They know most cops in the area," I gag at the thought of it.

"Oh? Really? Seems kind of terrifying then, no room for fun," He teases.

"Unless your version of fun is also getting tossed into jail for something like that, then yeah, no room for fun." I grin at him.

Suddenly, my phone dings at the foot of my bed, causing me to bend forward to grab it. I notice his demeanour shift slightly and mine does too as I furrow my brows at who could possibly be texting me this late.

iMessage now
Liam Payne
saw this and thought of you, you like the 1975 right?

"Ew," I say, loud enough for him to hear and he perks up, leaning closer to the camera.

"What's wrong?" He asks politely as I shrug, turning my phone off once again.

"Nothing, just some guy," I stick my tongue out in disgust.

"...Some guy? This late at night? It's almost eleven there," He glances over to what seemed to be a clock, checking the time.

"Holy shit, it's almost eleven! That means it's almost four there! Harry, I said I wasn't going to keep you this late," I say, my tone laced with guilt. "I'm so sorry, I lost track of time,"

"No no no, it's fine. Don't worry about it, I chose to stay up, remember? Plus, I'm already on break so there's no point in sleeping early."

"No point other than being healthy," I roll my eyes jokingly, "You know that studies say people who sleep late end up dying earlier, you keep this up and I won't have a friend to talk to,"

He smirks up at me smugly, the corners of his mouth curving upward as he looks at me with tired eyes, "And if I didn't stay up, you wouldn't have a friend to talk to either way. It's fine that I'm staying up, honest."

I nod at him, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Anyway, he's really nothing special. He's just someone I know from school, I unfortunately made the decision of giving my number to," Harry laughs at the pained expression on my face, pinching his eyes shut as he shakes his head.

"Why the hell would you give a random guy your number?" He asks, making me shrug my shoulders awkwardly.

"I dunno, it was seven in the morning and I didn't have the energy to turn him down I guess? And you know, as icky as he is, it's sort of flattering that someone thinks I'm attractive. Even if it is Liam,"

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