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"So... boyfriend eh?" Liam speaks up, breaking the awkward silence between us. I nod my head at him promptly, swallowing the lump in my throat to answer him.

Has Liam always been this scary or am I just now utterly terrified to be caught in a lie?

"Uh, yeah. Met him a while back and only made it official a few days ago," I say as calmly as possible.

"Lucky lad then," He mumbles, "I really enjoyed the other night with you, at the diner I mean." He shifts the conversation.

"Was pretty fun I guess," I shrug.

"My friends loved you, they did think you were quite a ditzy one though," He says, making me snort.

"Wow, I feel so loved," I deadpan, walking faster to get to the cafeteria.

"No, no, I mean it. I know I've usually got a reputation as a sweet talker, but I promise you I'm telling the truth," He scrambles to say.

"Right, sweet talker is a bit of an understatement."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He asks, his tone is laced with offence.

"I dunno... I'd think more playboy, or womanizer," I list all possible adjectives for him. "But sure, sweet talker works just as much," I shrug at him again, stopping as I get to the booth selling coffee. He smirks up at me with a chuckle.

"What's your order?" Liam changes the topic, pulling his wallet out of his letterman jacket.

"Just two iced lattes and two black coffees," I say. He repeats it to the vendor along with his order, counting his bills and readying himself to hand it to them.

"Oh no, I'm paying for my friends and I," I shake my head in protest, trying to stop him.

"S'alright, four coffees is expensive," He waves me off, handing his cash to the vendor and dismissing my words.

"Liam I'm serious—" He cuts me off, handing me the two iced lattes, along with straws and a couple tissues.

"And I finished paying, so what's done is done. No need to get your knickers in a twist over that." He says simply, walking back into the direction we came from.

"Still, as you've stated, four coffees is expensive. And I don't really appreciate you paying for me as I've told you I had the money to,"

"It's just coffee, Daisy." He sighs in annoyance. Walking back, he glances at a poster put up on the hall about the homecoming dance our school is holding in a few weeks, making me turn it it as well.

"So, is that boyfriend of yours taking you to homecoming?" He asks smugly, taking a sip of his own coffee.

"Oh, we'll he doesn't go to school here. Harry's actually from Manchester," I state simply, smiling at the use of his name.

"So he's got a name... and yet he doesn't go here. Based in another continent even," He hums. "I don't really buy it," He shrugs.

"I could always take y'to the dance myself, then you wouldn't have to be miserable waiting for your boyfriend who's miles away,"

"I don't have to prove anything to you Liam, especially my relationship," I say, gritting my teeth to stop myself from cursing him out for his blatant attempt to be rude. "Plus I'm not going to be miserable missing the dance, I find shit like that quite boring," I state simply.

"Well you probably would find it boring if your boyfriend won't take you," He bites back, making me huff.

"Well what do you want me to do? Beg him to fly out all the way from Manchester to see me? I don't know if you know this Liam but not everyone has thousands in a trust fund that can be blown off on unnecessary things, especially for something as stupid as some dance created to celebrate some alumni jocks for playing football," I say in annoyance, unable to hold back.

For a second I get nervous for his reaction, not knowing if his words were going to cause a scene and make him lash out, but instead he smirks.

"I like that about you, Daisy." He says simply, taking another sip of his drink and I do the same. "So quick witted, unafraid to speak your mind on things," He shakes his head.

"I didn't really ask," I mutter, continuing with my snarky behaviour. Speeding past him, I pick up the pace to get back to my friends.

I am so over this interaction with him.

"Daisy wait!" He catches up, nudging my arm with his elbow gently. "Have I gone and done something wrong?" He asks, making me scoff at him.

"You know you're quite irritable," I state, making him laugh.

"So I've been told,"

"I'm being serious! First you don't let me pay for the stupid coffee, then you hound me on my boyfriend, and you just keep flirting with me... You're insane," I chuckle dryly.

"And you're just feisty, your boyfriend must have to put up with you a lot," He says.

"My boyfriend isn't half as annoying as you are, now quit it. I'm serious," I tell him, seeing my friends wave at me from a distance.

"Thanks for carrying the coffees, and for paying even when I told you not to," We both roll our eyes at each other, except my actions are rooted in annoyance and his in playfulness.

"Always, Daisy." He says, winking at me before walking away and I visibly cringe.

"I have a boyfriend!" I say, loud enough for him to hear as he walks away.

"He doesn't have to know!" He jokes, making me roll my eyes at him as I take a seat.

"I feel like needing ten cups of coffee after having that conversation with Liam, honest to god I think I lost a few brain cells every time he spoke a word to me," I deadpan.

"How'd he react when you first told him you were seeing someone?"

"Kept asking so many questions, then tried to shame me when I told him that Harry wasn't going to fly out from the UK just to take me to homecoming." I roll my eyes.

"I bet he would though," Niall mumbles uber his breath, and I shoot him a glare.

"He even offered to take me to homecoming! Even after I told him I didn't even want to go anyway! Just because Harry isn't here and isn't taking me doesn't mean that I wanna go with him," My face sours.

"He drives you absolutely mental, I cannot believe he still thinks you're just playing hard to get. I guess you and Harry have to get to work quick with all the social media stuff, y'know, to get him off your back."

"I guess so," I shrug.

iMessage now
harry best music taste (aka liar)

iMessage now
harry best music taste (aka liar)
Sent an Attachment

iMessage now
harry best music taste (aka liar)

iMessage now
harry best music taste (aka liar)
Sent an Attachment

iMessage now
harry best music taste (aka liar)
a daisy.... for my daisy :D

Smiling down at the string of texts Harry had just sent, I tuck my phone into my back pocket and make a mental note to reply to it after first period upon hearing the bell ring. The four of us getting up to get to our respective classes.

Before I could get to class, Sarah stops me, her arm looping around mine to stay with her.

"You're blushing, did Harry just text you?" She teases and I laugh, trying to wave it off.

"What? No..."

"Shit liar Daisy, send him my best regards for me please," She says before letting go of me, walking to class.

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