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I stare at my phone, grinning like an idiot as I click onto the photos Harry had sent me earlier this morning. The first photo being an awkward and blurry shot of the bushes filled with daisies planted, his boots peaking from the corner of the screen.

The second was what had every inch of my skin burning red, internally screaming even. A simple photo of his hand, holding up a single daisy he had plucked from the bunch, captioning it "a daisy for my daisy."

My daisy.

MY daisy.

I don't even know how I'm still breathing at this point. It's pure insanity now.

"So we all agree then?" Louis says as I bring my phone up for him and the rest of them to see.

"Agree with what?" I ask nervously, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"That Harry is completely and utterly in love with you, and that this is the cherry on top of all the information we've gathered that he is in fact, in love with you." Louis says with a straight face, the rest of the group nodding in agreement.

"That is not fair! It's not like that, though I wish it was," I sigh.

"How is it not like that, Daisy? Explain it to me!" Niall says. "You'd have to be denser than Osmium to not think that he feels the same way you do!"

"Denser than... what?" I blink at him, his words not registering in my head.

"You know, Osmium? The element?" He says. The rest of the group shakes their heads in confusion as well to how Niall would know such a thing.

"For god's sake, Osmium!" He repeats.

"I don't think that repeating it would get us to understand that reference Ni," I chuckle.

"How the hell do you guys not know what Osmium is? Densest natural element on earth? Even more dense than lead? Explaining the joke doesn't make it funny, you know." He huffs, making me laugh.

"How do you even know that?" I shake my head.

"Kacey taught me..." He mutters, making my eyebrows shoot up. "Shut up,"

"We're definitely going back to that later, for now I just need to prove to you guys that he doesn't like me the same way I like him," I say stubbornly.

"Why are you so determined to prove that he doesn't like you? Daisy, I am most certain that he'd do anything for you. Seriously, if you asked him to walk through fire for you, he'd put his favourite pair of boots on and absolutely would." Louis says, making my cheeks flush.

"I dunno, I guess my thought process is just that, if he did like me the same way I liked him, something would've happened by now?"

"Like phone sex doesn't count?" Niall teases, making me elbow him right in the rib, earning a painful groan from his lips.

"That was different, he doesn't even know that happened." I remind them.

"Anyway, how would you expect anything to even happen? You're both painfully awkward, there's no room to initiate anything," Sarah teases me.

"Whatever, I'll tell him to post something about the daisies online for me to interact with, I just hope that Liam sees." I sigh.

harry best music taste (aka liar)

a daisy... for my daisy :D

that is honestly the sweetest and cutest thing you've ever sent to me
i love it so much
thank you harry

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