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My phone buzzes at my side, making me stretch my limbs out and fish through the seemingly endless amount of bedding and blankets I had littered around my bed. I smile triumphantly as I find it, squinting as I unlock it with the brightness fully up.

"Jesus Christ," I mutter to myself, scrolling through to check my notifications and then seeing one that makes me pause.

Clicking on it, I scoff as I find out that Liam had found my profile on the forum site that I had long discarded a few months ago after Harry and I lost interest in it... and admittedly never wanted to see it ever again after the memories of him unfollowing and blocking me on there had tainted it....

liampayne followed you!


Scrolling through my inbox, I stare at the three "anonymous" messages left alongside the one message Liam had left.

liampayne asked: i didn't know you were in here too, coffee sometime? ;))

reply: haha, yeah. i kind of forgot about this account.... and you already know the answer to the coffee run. it's a no.

This is so awkward, I thought to myself as I show my strong lack of interest in him or anything he'd say.

anonymous asked (4 days ago) : i wanna get to know you since you're gorgeous, but i'm so nervous because we don't have any mutual friends

anonymous asked (4 days ago) : i think you're gorgeous! we should talk soon!!

anonymous asked (4 days ago) : do you really have a boyfriend ): ? i was thinking that we should hang out....

This had been sitting in my inbox for four days? I cringe at the possibility of Liam sending all four messages into my inbox, and I think of a reply.

1 reply: thank you ! but i'm not interested in anything romantic, i have a boyfriend :D feel free to message me anytime though !!!!

1 reply : thank you anon :] i have a boyfriend though !!!!!!

1 reply: i do have a boyfriend, and he's the best.... i'd have to pass on your offer, sorry. x

Thinking of my next move, I scroll back to Harry and I'd conversation and ask him if he'd gotten any weird messages in his inbox either.

harry best music taste (aka liar)


hi love
what's up?

I roll my eyes at his message, simultaneously blushing as I bury my head into my bedding to contain how much two simple words had affected me.

i still can't believe you're like... in character

who says i'm playing a character.

dial it down


what's up though

check your inbox on the forum app

i've kind of forgotten about that

same here
but liam's been in mine
which is extremely awkward

oh god
someone's been in my inbox too

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