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"You seem a lot more serious than usual," Harry says, his voice making me cringe as the events of last night come crashing down.

"What's on you mind, Dais?" He asks, making me suck in a breath.

"Well, I just need to tell you—-"

"Oh my god! Yeah! I've got something to tell you too," He cuts me off enthusiastically, my confidence plummeting by the second.

How the hell was I supposed to approach him with this?!

"Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself, you go first, sorry. Fuck, I'm just so happy," he beams at me and I flash a smile at him to try to conceal my nervousness.

"Uh— I just wanted to ask- I wanted to ask you..." I stutter out, seeing that his full attention was on me. Curse him and his sweet disposition.

"You know what? You should go first, yours seems more important." I swallow the lump in my throat, mentally face palming myself.

Fucking coward.

"Okaaaay..." He says, his mood lightening up. "God, I was so excited to tell you, I debated on ringing you right away but time differences and I figured that you wouldn't want to be disturbed since I remembered you'd probably be hungover, but oh my god Daisy." He says, the mention of him thinking of a hangover (That I did in fact have), piquing my interest.

So he did remember last night? Or did he only remember that I was wasted. C'mon Harry, give me something!

"Okay, are you ready to hear the most amazing news? I'm hyping this up so much because I hope you'd get as excited as I am now..." He drags on.

"What is it?"

"My band got signed to a record company!" He says excitedly, making my jaw drop in surprise and excitement, almost forgetting what I had needed to talk to him about.

"What? Are you serious? Harry that's amazing!" I sputter out in excitement. "I'm so proud of you! How did it happen?"

"There was an agent at our gig! And I didn't even know it! God, I got so shitfaced with my mates after because I thought the set sucked, barely remembered anything and had the worst hangover until Eli called to tell me the news!" He says, and my heart stops.

He... barely remembered anything?

"Wait, you barely remember anything? Like, anything anything?" I ask, my voice is shaky and I feel like I have a lump in my throat.

"Well, I mean I remember stuff. I remember you texting me, us calling, but it got fucking blurry and I think I passed out on you on call. Sorry about that by the way," He says sheepishly.

My heart drops at his words, and I scramble to find the right words to react. "Oh, n-no. No I was pretty wasted too last night, so I think we both passed out on call. Last night was fuzzy for me too," I lie, trying to contain my emotions.

Why was I so upset that he'd forget? I knew he was drunk but I didn't know that it was to that extent... Maybe a part of me had just hoped he'd remember and something would change? As if drunken phone sex would magically change the entire trajectory of our relationship as friends.

"Oh well," I pick myself up, "I'm still so proud of you! This is amazing! I just know you're going to blow up, remember me when you're famous please?" I tease him, trying to hold back as I start to feel a stinging in my waterline.

"Shut up," He chuckles, shaking his head. "I'd never forget you,"

"Oh c'mon, not even when you're selling out stadiums like The Rolling Stones and have groupies throwing themselves at you at any given chance?" I playfully state the stereotypical life of a rockstar.

"Oh god," he grimaces at my words, "Definitely not. Besides, saying that I'd forget you implied that we would no longer be in touch. I'd probably have a nervous breakdown in public before I'd let that happen," He chuckles, and my cheeks warm.

"Enough about me, what were you going to tell me? Seemed pretty serious, what's on your mind?" He asks immediately and my blood runs cold.

"Uh, well I just—" Well you can't ask him now. Think of something Daisy, think. "It's not actually that serious, just wanted to ask for your opinion on better ways to reject Liam? I feel like I'm being too nice about it, he isn't taking the hint."

Okay, that wasn't horrible. Still a shit liar, but at least this has been a lot more believable? Right?

"Oh," He shifts, and I can't read his expression. "Uh, I guess you could go the meaner route? A good blocking would do the trick,"

"Okay, that's way harsh." I interject, "I really hate having to block people, I always just do it as a last resort,"

"Well then..." he pauses, his mind racking up other ways, "Oh!" he perks up.

"If you told him that you were seeing someone, would that get him to back off? Only a real asshole would still try to hit on someone who's involved with someone else," He points out.

"Fair point, but how would that be believable? I'm not going out with anyone and no one else is showing interest in me, so I'd definitely get caught lying about it and I feel like that would make the whole thing worse. I'd die of embarrassment if people found out I had a made-up boyfriend to get an actual guy pursuing me to stop." I joke, easing my nerves and trying to lighten up.

"Well... enter, me." He says smugly, his smile like the cheshire cat.

"Enter.... you?" I say, lost on what he was trying to convey.

"I will be your fake boyfriend, and I'm not made up, so you definitely won't have to die of embarrassment," he teases.

"Harry, I'm not sure that you're aware of this, but you live on another continent," I deadpan. "How are we going to stage a relationship when we have no pictures or proof that we talk?"

"We can stage it online, go the whole nine yards with it. I'm talking matching twitter headers, posting a bunch online, everything. Think of it like a long distance relationship, you'd look like an absolute saint for being so loyal to your boyfriend who lives thousands of miles away,"

Is it embarrassing for me to even consider doing this? I mean, this might be my only chance with him, a fake relationship. He could be in it for the fun and nothing more, and Id have to remember that.

But a part of me wants to do this to even be able to image what a relationship with Harry would be like...

"We need a story, a good one. No gaps that could make us seem fake," I say.

"Does that mean yes? Fuck yeah!" He says enthusiastically. "Okay, we can start by saying that we met through a mutual friend online, Zayn. We started talking and hit it off pretty well. We're extremely new to the relationship, and I was the one who proclaimed my undying love for you first because I'm such a romantic," he teases me, making me chuckle.

"You know what, fine. So we just started dating, are we exclusive? As in boyfriend-girlfriend labels or are we laying low right now?" I play along. He pauses to think.

"Boyfriend-girlfriend labels, we need to be as serious looking as possible to get him away,"

"Well, here goes nothing I guess..."

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