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You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I roll my eyes, thinking of a reply that would suffice and then tucking my phone back into my pocket. Once my eyes come back up, they meet yet again with Liam's, same shit eating grin plastered onto his face.

Once again, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Did you get my text?" He asks, shuffling beside me and I sigh.

"I did, and I can't,"

"You can't, or you don't want to?" He smirks again as the bell rings. "It's lunch already, why don't we just save ourselves the banter and your witty insults and just walk together back to the coffee kiosk?"

"You think you're so smug," I say to him, rolling my eyes.

"I really do, thank you for recognising that." He smiles proudly at me.

"Look, your forceful tactics may work on other girls but they won't work on me. Not only that, but I have a boyfr—-"

"A boyfriend, yeah yeah, how could I forget? In the UK, plays guitar doesn't he? Proper sweetheart I see,"

"So you've seen his post, and you're aware of his existence and recognise that he's the absolute sweetest.... and yet you won't stay away from me." I roll my eyes at him.

"We're just friends, Daisy." He counters my words and I scoff.

"Oh please, that's the last thing you want to be when it comes to me. You barely even knew I existed until recently,"

"Well, no one knew you existed until recently! All you do is hide away with your friends and judge other people for living normal teenage lives,"

My jaw drops at his blatantly disrespectful words, my blood boiling. "We're not going to be friends, we're not going to be anything else. Stay away from me Liam, I mean it." I walk away from him, trying to compose myself.

"Or what? Is your boyfriend going to kick my ass?" He rules me up, following me.

"I'll kick your ass Liam, now go away." I say, walking to the crowded coffee kiosk.

"Oh look, we're already here. At the coffee kiosk, where I offered to walk you too earlier, just without the banter." He says, leaning against the side of the kiosk and handing a few bills to the vendor.

"One black coffee please, and an iced latte for the lady," he says to the vendor, winking at me and I scoff. "I like this, maybe next time I'll take you to a real coffee shop instead,"

Crossing my arms, my blood starts to rise at him again, "Banter or bickering? I don't know which fits better, and again? Stop paying for my coffee, you're gonna have to write me up a bill for what I owe you. And honestly Liam, you'd have to kidnap me to take me anywhere alone with you."

"You could pay me back with a kiss," He says smirking at me, ignoring my last remark and leaning in and I shove his face away. Grabbing my coffee, I take a straw and pierce it through the lid along with grabbing a few tissues from the stall.

"In your fucking dreams, Liam. Now unless you've finished totalling up how much I owe you for the coffee, piss off!" I yell, walking away from him and not looking back.

"Piss off? You're hanging around with that boyfriend of yours too much." He yells loud enough for me to hear.

"Better than hanging around with you!" I yell back for the last time, bumping into someone roughly as I walk away and dropping a couple of tissues. I quickly turn to apologize only to be faced with one of Liam's friends Gabriella.

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