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"Oh, I know one!" Gabriella says, taking a sip of her beer inside of a paper cup.

The group groans, knowing that she had the most lewd prompts for this stupid game. I'd lost count at this point on how many rounds we've been at, answering meaningless questions that were supposedly juicy gossip like "Who's your first kiss?" or "Who'd you first hook up with?"

There wasn't even any real mechanics in terms of alcohol too, we were just drinking while answering, some getting tipsier than others.

"First secret FWB?" She smirks.

Liam groans at her, as if he were too shy to answer that. He wasn't though, all his answers made him seem like he was proud of past flings or conquests.

"Why'd you have to shorten it? You could've just said friends with benefits," he laughs, drinking again. "And to answer, it's nothing exciting honestly, my ex."

Ah yes, his ex-girlfriend. Another person he couldn't stop talking about. After breaking up with her (for the fourth time this month), it seems like he just can't shut up about how this girl did him so wrong and broke his heart.

Yet at the same time he couldn't stop talking about her. He was an even bigger mess than I was, he was angry, hurt, sad, completely over her yet couldn't shut up about how she fucked up apparently.

I also would notice him glancing my way, or fully turning his body towards mine whenever he spoke, as if he wanted—no, needed me to hear it loud and clear.

As if him talking shit about this poor girl would make me want him more?

"Daisy, how about you?" Gabriella asks me. I could feel all their eyes on me, and I awkwardly gulped.

"I don't know... just this one person I guess?" That person was Rowe, but there was no way in hell I was going to flat out admit that. No matter how hurt I was over that, I would never even think about outing her.

"Does this person have a name?" She asks again, pushing it.

"I don't think she's that comfortable saying it-" Kacey interjects. I sigh in relief and smile at her.

"You're just bitter that you've never had one," Jenna laughs, her face as bright red as a tomato as she takes another swing at her drink.

Kacey's face mirrors the red blush, but instead of alcohol being the cause of it, it's embarrassment. She calls it the "Asian Flush", which was adorable. "I just don't have the time for mindless shit, unlike you guys." She says.

"Plus, I'm a firm believer of the butterfly effect. So who knows what could've happened if I did have some sort of friends with benefits thing, I probably wouldn't have gotten this close to Niall," she says, surprising Niall as he chokes on his drink for a second.

"How sweet," Jenna mocks. "My secret friends with benefits was Jason," she names someone I had no idea of.

"The basketball player?" She nods proudly.

"Yeah, I just have a thing for jocks. Not Liam though, he's like my brother," she snickers.

"Thank god for that," Liam says, "Daisy! First boyfriend?" he asks, nudging my arm playfully. He was way less sober than I was, loosening up around me.

"Some guy I went to summer camp with," I say. I didn't wanna have to get into all the details about a silly little boyfriend I had in summer camp when I was fourteen, it wasn't even important.

"Naaame please?" Hannah pouts, making everyone laugh.

"You guys really aren't gonna let me off on this one, huh?" I chuckle dryly. "His name was John, he played guitar and sang to me at a campfire. He was three years older than me, and when we broke up I listened to Taylor Swift's 'Dear John' on a loop for a week straight. Is that enough information for you?" I say sarcastically. The group laughs.

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