Chapter One

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{Hinata House}

In the lobby of the Hinata House, Haruka Urashima is holding a meeting with the tenants of the Hinata House. Even though her face was in her usual deadpan expression, complete with her cigarette sticking from her mouth, Haruka couldn't help but feel angry at the three women that pushed her nephew to his breaking point.

"Keitaro has called to say that he's taking some time off as landlord," Haruka announced. "He will be back here tomorrow."

"What that perverted fool should do is just quit!" Naru butted in, with her anger rising. "He disappears and suddenly decides to take some time off from running this place? He is the landlord for crying out loud!!"

"I agree with Narusegawa," Motoko said coldly. "Time and time again he has proven to be unworthy and neglectful of his duties. He should just resign and we can ask Grandma Hina to come back."

Fortunately for the two girls, they didn't notice Haruka's hand balled into a fist as she lit her cigarette.

The other girls were worried about Keitaro, particularly the blue-haired Shinobu Maehara. "I hope Senpai is okay," she said. "He did look stressed out earlier today. I hope he feels better."

"Ara, Ara," Mutsumi nods in agreement.

"Like anything can hurt that dork," Sarah snorted.

"So who's going to come and take over while Keitaro's away?" Mitsune asked.

"Keitaro had called in a favor to some family friends," Haruka replied. "He will be arriving tomorrow."

"It's just like Urashima to call in another male," Motoko seethed. "If he is just as perverted as Urashima is, I won't hesitate to deliver justice on him."

"As I said, he will be arriving tomorrow," Haruka insisted. "But his wife will be coming later on today. Keitaro and her husband will be coming tomorrow. And for all of your sakes, I hope you show the two of them the respect and courtesy you DIDN'T show to my nephew."

The last sentence had a bit of hardness to it, showing that Haruka was getting annoyed with Naru and Motoko using Keitaro as a human punching bag. Both girls caught the tone and immediately shut up.

Haruka had intentionally left out that both the new co-landlords were martial artists, as well as that Keitaro was originally going to evict most of the girls and turn the place back into an inn.

As the female Urashima turned and walked out of the dorm, Naru noticed the evil smile she had on her face.

'Just what is that fool planning?' she wondered.

Later on in the day, Haruka was back in her teahouse. The business has slowed down since it was late in the afternoon. Her mind was currently on the last conversation she had with Keitaro over the phone.

In an attempt to make the tenants appreciate him more, he called in Ryu and his wife, who ran a dojo on the other side of the prefecture. In Keitaro's words, they will be wishing for him to come back as landlord before the two months is out.

"Excuse me, Haruka Urashima?"

Haruka looked up. Standing before her, in casual clothes - blue pants, with white strap-on shoes. Her jacket zipped up halfway to see her white undershirt and midriff. She also has the sleeves rolled up and sweatbands on her wrists - was Chun-Li. At her feet was a sports bag. On her face was a pair of reading glasses.

Haruka looked at the older woman, giving her the once-over. "You're Ryu's wife?" she asked.

Chun-Li extended her hand and Haruka shook it. "Chun-Li Zang. Keitaro has told me a lot about you."

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