Chapter 3

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True Identity

Amy's P.O.V

It took me a couple moments to work up enough courage to say this. I've dreaded this moment since the day she was born, knowing she have to know eventually. I couldn't believe that it was going to be now.

"What is it mom?" She asked me. I began to choke up as I looked into her beautiful blue/green eyes, the same eyes James has. It was amazing how much she reminded me of him.

"Mom are you okay?" She said placing a hand on top of mine since the other was hovering over my mouth to calm myself down.

"Yeah, it's just; this is hard for me to say." I said choking up a bit.

"If it's that hard then you don't have to say it." She assured me. I shook my head.

"No, no you need to know. You're old enough."

"Old enough for what?" She asked. I grabbed the box from underneath the table and slid it across to her.

"Open your present." I said. I wiped my tears away and sniffed, I was okay now. I kept coaching myself inside my head, ready to answer any questions she will have for me. I watched her peel the wrapping paper off. She glanced up at me before opening the lid and examining what's inside. She pulled the necklaces out and scanned each one carefully.

"I know this necklace." She said as she held the airplane one between her fingers. She looked up at me, not knowing where to start.

"I'm sure you do." I said into my hands that were folded in front of me. She looked at the other one and went slightly wide eyed.

"Where did you get these?" She asked.

"From the man himself." I simply said. Her mouth dropped and I smiled finding this to be easier than I thought I would be.

"You met James Graham!?" She asked. I nodded.

"What? How? When!?" She frantically said.

"Darcy, how much do you know about the band?" I asked.

"Everything why?"

"Answer me this; has James any children that you know of?" She thought about but couldn't seem to piece the puzzle together. James was slow like this too.

"I don't remember I don't think he's ever said." She finally said after thinking it over.

"Okay. Let me just tell you the story then shall I?" She nodded eagerly. I sighed and straightened myself and got comfortable knowing this was going to take a bit to explain.

"When I was 18, Stereo kicks was already 2 years into their careers. They were still the biggest thing in music just like they are now. I went to a concert they had when they came here, to the states, and I was extremely excited because I managed to get meet and greets from a family friend. I went with Leanne and another friend of ours Laura. We were all dressed up real nice to impress the young lads and we couldn't wait to meet them. When the day of the concert finally came, we were waiting in line with the other meet and greet people and the entire time James kept looking over at me and smiling his famous grin. When it was our turn, James came up to me and complimented me and began asking for my number and such. Eventually I gave him my Twitter name and my phone number. I didn't expect to hear from him after that cause I know how much of a flirt he is. Anyway, I get a call from this number and it turned out to be him. We talked for hours on end. Since they were staying in the states for a little while he asked me out on a date which I must say was the best I've ever been on in my life, and after that we kept doing just that. I was never in the public eye but people had their suspicions. James did confirm to me that we were dating and we were in love and I couldn't have been happier. 6 months go by and the day the boys left for tour I broke it off with James because I said it was becoming too much for me. He gave me those necklaces to let me know that I was not only his true love but that he could never forget me."

"How could you break it off with him? Clearly there must've been a reason! No one just dumps James Graham because it becomes 'too complicated'." She said.

"You're a smart one aren't you?" I smirked.

"Honors roll remember?" She said. I laughed.

"Well you're right. There was a reason."

"Which was?"

"The reason was because a couple days before they left for the UK I found out I was pregnant. I didn't want him to know and I didn't want me being pregnant hurt his career, so I let him go." I said.

"What did you do with the baby?" I raised an eyebrow. For being on the honor's roll she clearly wasn't too bright with common sense.

"What do you mean what did I do with the baby? I kept it of course!" I exclaimed.

"I'm James Graham's daughter?" She pointed to herself. I nodded slowly. She covered her mouth quickly and began to breath heavy.

"All this time you let me obsess over them? You let me carry on about them? Yet you never wanted to tell me that he was my father?!" She said angrily.

"I couldn't tell you Darcy!" I said.

"You named me that because of him. I should've known. " She said mostly to herself.

"Exactly right." I said.

"Why couldn't you tell me though!?" She demanded. I opened my mouth to reply but she cut me off.

"He still doesn't know does he?" She said bitterly. I looked down, ashamed of myself.

"No, he doesn't." I mumbled.

"Unbelievable! My own mother, my role model, doesn't even bother to tell
me who my own father is. All these years I assumed my real father was dead or something."

"God forbid!" I said raising my voice.

"I can't believe this!"

"I thought you'd be happy!"

"Happy? You thought I'd be happy? Sure, it's a relief to know my father is alive and successful but he doesn't even know he has a kid! I mean nothing to him!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"That's not true! If he knew he would love you to no end!" I said.

"So tell him then! Surely you have his number."

"I don't actually, I lost it years ago. It probably has changed since then." I said.

"This hurts mom. It hurts more than anything." She was out of her seat, shaking her head low.

"Hurt?! Don't even get me started! You don't realize how much you remind me of him Darcy. Your eyes, your hair, your likes and dislikes, everything! The way you know how to comfort me when I'm down was exactly what he would do. I watch the way you look up to him. I hear how you sing, you are the exact female version of him! It's like he never left!"

"He probably would've stayed if you never let him go!"

"I was scared! How would you react if you were in my position huh? I was deathly afraid of what he would do, or he would react. That's why I let him go." After a bit of silence, we both calmed down. She came back over to the table and picked up the necklaces and looked at them.

"I'm going to find him. I have to meet my father, he has to know."

"I can't let you." Her eyes darted up to mine faster than ever.

"Excuse me? You expect me to find this out and just let it go? Just know just for the sake of knowing? I'm sorry mom, but I must meet my father. Whether you like it or not I'm going to find him. I bet he knows you and I bet he misses you like crazy."

"Darcy, it's been 14 years. He doesn't remember me."

"What does this mean mom? These necklaces are proof that he does!" I kept quiet, unable to come up with an answer.

"My point exactly." She left the room with me following after her.

"Where are you going?" I demanded as she headed to the main door.

"To find him."

"No you're not! If I see you leave this house you are grounded for life you hear me?!" Tears started to form in her eyes and she shot up the stairs and slammed her door leaving me alone down stairs. I was right to tell her. I didn't know it would have led to this though.


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