Chapter 10

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Brace Yourself

Darcy's P.O.V
I was pulled away by security from the stage all the way into the studio. My arms hurt when they set me down in a chair because they had a firm grip on them. I rubbed my sore arms and thought over what I just did. I knew it was over and my goal wasn't even accomplished. My body started to shake from fear and my eyes started to water. I was overwhelmed by the thoughts of my possible punishments since none of what I just did was legal. I heard heavy footsteps and looked up to see Matt and other people I recognized behind him.

"Ms. Lincoln what were you thinking?" He demanded to know. Just as the words flew out of his mouth I could hear rushed footsteps come up behind him.

"Darcy?" I heard my mother call. I looked over and saw her push her way through Matt and the others and run over to my side and pull me into a much needed hug.

"Darcy what were you thinking? You scared me to death." She said looking into my eyes and petting my hair.

"Um Miss, I don't know who Darcy is but that's not her. That's Penny Lincoln, one of our apprentices." Matt said. My mother pulled back and stood up.

"Who's Penny Lincoln? This is my daughter Darcy." She confirmed. She looked over at me and scowled.

"Darcy....what did you do?" She said through her teeth. I looked up with fear and panic showing brightly in my eyes. I took a deep breath and a moment to think before answering.

"I'm not who you think I am." I said, directing it towards Matt, "I pretended to be Penny so that I could stay here and meet the band." I confessed.

"I don't think you realize what you just did. You messed up a national broadcast, possibly Stereo kicks' reputation, and who knows what other charges there could be!" He said with rage in his voice.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"How old are you anyway?" He asked.

"14." I shakily said. He nodded his head before turning and walking out the door with the others following behind him; leaving just my mother and I alone in the back office of the studio.

"I don't understand Darcy." My mother sighed, she began pacing back and forth, "what made you think it was alright to just leave and go into the city? Do you know how dangerous New York is? And out of all places?!" She questioned.

"I needed to meet my dad. He needs to know." I mumbled.

"Maybe its better that he doesn't know." She said.

"Um, Miss, Mr. Lauer would like to talk to you." Someone said to my mom. She nodded and walked out leaving me alone in the now empty room.

James' P.O.V

I stopped singing all together. I watched Amy as she maneuvered her way to the end of the stage and follow the security guards. The others knew something was bothering me but they didn't know what exactly. Tom came over to me and I just gave him an I-need-to-go look. He understood and made an announcement saying thank you to all the fans that came before I raced off of the stage.

"James, where are you going?" Gavin said as he stood before me.

"I need to do something." I said before continuing on my way. I ran into the building and looked all around to see where she could possibly be. My heart beat was racing as I looked through every hallway there was. I finally saw Matt Lauer walk out of a room and thought that could be my only option. I glided over with long strides with the band behind me and walked into the room to see the young girl.

Darcy's P.O.V

"Hi." I said weakly.

"Out of all my years performing, what you just did only happened once; though that wasn't on live television." Tom said with a smile as he walked over to me. I smirked and looked down at my hands.

"Yeah well, I had a reason." I said looking into his eyes.

"And what might that be?" He asked. My hand flew to where the necklaces hid under my shirt.

"For my dad to know who I am." I said on the verge of crying.

"Where is he?" Charlie asked. I looked over to him, thinking how I was going to say this.

"I never knew until just recently actually." I said.

"So where is he?" Barclay asked me.

"He's standing over there." I looked over to the other 7 boys, but focused on James.

"My mom gave me these on my 14th birthday this past Friday." I said as I pulled the necklaces over my shirt to examine them.

"James, is there something you forgot to tell us?" I hear Casey whisper to him.

"Not that I knew of." James said in protest.

"Do you remember these?" I asked James. He looked down at the necklaces that I was holding up and walked over to me and took a knee. He then held the necklaces between his fingers to look them over.

"How did you get these?" He asked me.

"My mom." I said.

"Darcy?" I heard my mom's voice and I looked over him. James slowly stood up as my mom made her way in the room.

"Hi boys." She said to all of them.

"Amy?! Is it really you?"

"It's nice to see you too barclay." She said. I watched barcs hug her tightly, nearly suffocating her.

"Mom!" I shouted then ran over to her and wrapped arms around her waist.

Amy's P.O.V

My eyes looked up and saw James with Tom behind him. He still looked the same after all this time. Then again, none of them have really aged it seemed.

"Hi James." I said.

"Hi Amy" He said as he walked over to me, "can I speak to you...privately?" He asked. I figured, might as well, and agreed to it.

"Sure." I said and followed behind him leaving my daughter with her "uncles".


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