The Trap

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Love in the Château is officially completed , so now i will be working on finishing this book ! Thanks for reading ! Enjoy!

The Trap

Selena's POV

"Ok so you remember the plan right ?" Asked Zayn before dropping me off and i nodded frantically . I was in front of the werewolve's cave , and i was terrified of what i was about to do .

The plan was for me to pretend to be still in love with Justin , which i guess i was since it still hurt to think of him , and warn them about an upcoming attack that the vampires were planning .

Then after that i would have to do the same thing with the vampires pretending to care about them because they were my own
People and stuff and warn them about an upcoming attack that the werewolves had planned .

That way they'll both attack each other and if i make sure they leave at the exact time, they're , according to Harry's calculations , bound to meet in a clearing in the middle of the forest , were Louis and Liam had set up a trap for them , i'm supposed to be there and stall them until the trap works , and then Zayn is supposed to help me get out . Whether he'll stick to that promise or simply let me die with them, i didn't really know but i didn't care anyway .

I entered the cave .

" Justin ?" I called out and heard my voice being echoed .

" Hello Selena " he greeted coming out of the darkness .

" Justin !" I yelled and ran to him hugging him , but he didn't hug me back . Even in this situation , that stung . " Oh Justin it was horrible ! The vampires caught me ! And i just got away ! And i just had to tell you
!" I fake cried .

" Tell him what ?" Asked Montgomery coming out of the darkness as well .

" about the attack ! The vampires are coming here to kill all of you ! And i know it's stupid of me to come back here but i couldn't let them hurt Justin , i love him too much ." Even though he's a jerk who's too coward to take any responsibility for his own actions .

" what time ?"

" i think it's supposed to be at 5 this after noon , but if you leave here at 4 you can attack them first ! You'll have the element of surprise and you'll win for sure !" I explained .

" that's a brilliant idea !" Praised Montgomery .

"Ok i have to go now , vampire hunters are on my trail ."

" ok " said Justin , looking as if he couldn't care less .

I nodded and left , meeting up with the boys in their van parked a few miles from the cave .

"That was great ." Praised Zayn smiling at me .

" thanks ." And i think if i were human, i would've blushed . I think i'm starting to have feelings for him , but i know that we'll never be able to have something together , so might as well get over it .

And now it was time for the vampires , who were staying in an abandoned building not far from the forest where the werewolves are staying .

" well well well , if it isn't little miss Gomez ." Said one of them when i walked in .

" ok listen " i started roughly " i don't like you , but we're all vampires and we should stick together so i just thought i'd warn you that while i was staying with the werewolves they said something about attacking you today at like 5 PM , so if you leave here at like 4 you'll be Able to surprise them and have the upper hand . I think werewolves have hurt vampires quite enough already ."

Everyone in the room nodded and i just left . This was easier than i thought .

"Ok now all we have to do is go back to the forest and wait ." Announced Liam .

However , on our way there , the van broke down , the boys all stepped out to fix it except for Zayn . He stayed put and we were alone .

" hey Selena , there's something i've been meaning to do for a while now ." He said looking nervous , i was about to ask him if something was wrong when he crashed his lips onto mine . I was shocked at first , but feeling my stomach , flutter , i wrapped my arms around his neck and kisses back . He put his hands on my waist and the contact made me feel human for a moment . No one else had made me feel that way. Ever . Does this mean that Zayn was the one ?

He pulled away all too soon .

" i've been in love with you since the first time i watched you on tv ." He smiled down at me .

"I ... i think i love you too ." I admitted .

" how'd you figure ?" He chuckled .

" no one's ever made me feel the way you do ."

" really ?" He looked down at his lap , playing with the hem of my shirt " not even Justin ?"

" Justin is a prick . He's big baby who can't deal with responsibility . You however put your conscience before everything else , even your feelings and that's so selfless and sexy . "

He laughed .

" i don't deserve you ." I admitted .

" what ?" He asked surprised .

" i'm the reason all of this is happening . And i've killed and i-"

He cut me off with another kiss , it was sweet and short .

" yes you made mistakes , but i get it , as a vampire you don't have any control over your behavior , and you've killed a couple of times , but look at you now , you controlled the beast , and you're going against your very nature to do the right thing . A mindless blood-thirsty monster would've killed me by now . But you didn't . You let the desire to do what's right block out everything else . Selena , you're the strongest most selfless person i have ever met. You're not who you were yesterday so focus on who you are today ."

I smiled and nodded tears streaming down my face , and he kissed my forehead .

" can we stop pretending that the van isn't working now ?" Asked Niall peeking his head through a rolled down window .

Zayn blushed like a wild fire and me and the rest of the boys erupted in laughter . And for a minute i forgot the stress that took over me from thinking of what was to come .

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