The part

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Selena woke up in a dark dark room !

She couldn't see anything . Her head was aching along with the rest of her skinny body . She sat up in a corner and started crying . Suddenly , a pale figure appeared in front of her . It was the girl .

-"comfy ?"the girl asked sarcastically with an evil smile on her face .

-"why are you doing this ?" Selena cried "what have I ever done to you ?!"

-"oh it 's not just me ! There are 10 more of us !"

-"why ?! Why do you hate me ?!!!"

-"you heard of the CIA experiments that turned people into vampires ! Right ? Well you paid for it ! You paid so that we would have to go through unimaginable suffering and pain ! And after our transformation we are constantly in pain since we have venom instead of blood ! And that's why vampires drink blood . Blood calms our pain !"

- "what are you talking about ? I never paid for any CIA experiments ?!!"

-"oh yeah ! Remember James Boralsky ?!"

Selena had a flashback :

Boralsky was a guy that she made a contract with when she was auditioning for spring breakers . The producers were going to pick Miley Cyrus but Selena wasn't going to play fair .

-" i'll give you 3000000000 $ if you get me the part ! "

-"ok miss Gomez but i must warn you the money will be used for bad things !"

-" i don't give a fuck about what you use it for I just want the damn part !"

-"well ok then please sign here "

As she got out of the flashback she looked up at the girl . 

-"but I didn't know he was going to do this to you !"

-"yeah but you knew it was going to be something bad yet you didn't care ! All you care about is yourself !

-"so what now you're going to drink my blood ? Kill me ?!"

-"no killing you would be too easy ! You have to suffer like we did . "

At those words 10 vampires appeared In the room . As they got closer to Selena she screamed in fear and fainted .

Selena Gomez : a vampire is bornWhere stories live. Discover now