A New Alliance

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Rex was dead . I couldn't believe it . The one and only person that was still on my side is gone .

My hands were tied up with strings made of silver . They burned against my skin . They made escape impossible , because the more i struggled and wiggled , the more they burned me .

I was on the motorcycle behind Niall, my head laid on his back. I hated him , i hated him more than anything but i was in too much pain to sit up straight on my own . Niall went stiff at first but he was more relaxed now.

We drove and drove till we arrived at a huge building in an isolated area . It was white and rectangular with no windows .

" We're here Gomez ." Announced Louis .

Niall pulled me off the bike and dragged me inside .

It was dark and cold , and all the doors seemed locked , except for one that was half opened .

They dragged me inside and i was thrown in a cage , like an animal , with silver bars .

The cage was small , like a dog's cage but a little bigger . I could sit criss-cross on the ground with a little space to spare . The room smelled like rotten fish .

I looked around the dimly lit room. There was a table with a chemistry set . Tubes and goggles and colorful chemicals sat there . There was a bunch of cages similar to the one i was in , piled in the corner .

The fact that mine was conveniently facing the door so they could throw me in right away means they expected to catch me , that only made me angrier .

There was also a desk , a few computers and a couch with a coffee table near what resembled a small kitchen .

Zayn walked towards a cabinet and picked up a bag of Doritos . He emptied it into a bowl and they sat together on the couch .

" So what are we gonna do with her ?" Asked Harry reaching for the bowl .
" well we can't kill her ." Answered Liam . I assumed they were talking about me .

I stared at them eating , i was angry , i wanted to rip all of them to pieces . Zayn stood up and walked towards me . When he was standing right in front of my cage , he threw me a chip . I glared at him .

" I know i'm hot but you don't have to eye-rape me ." He smirked smugly .

I wanted to jump at his and rip his throat out but i knew that if i made contact with the silver , it'll hurt like a million hells . So for now i just growled .

" we need to run some tests on you ." He finally announced , walking back to the rest of the boys .
He placed the bowl on the coffee table and washed his hands in the filthy sink . Then took a needle from the chemistry table and walked towards me .

" Give me Your hand ." He commanded and i obeyed making sure to avoid the bars .

He stabbed the needle in my skin and i closed my eyes wishing i was anywhere but here .

When i opened them , he was in a lab coat , wearing gloves and goggles and working with something at the chemistry table .

The rest of the guys had already finished the Doritos . Niall was washing the dishes , Liam was getting in his coat to help Zayn out , Louis was working at something on the desk , and Harry was at the computer , apparently doing some research . My eyes scanned the room , desperately trying to find a way out but there was none . They had. weapons hanging on almost every wall and the doors were covered up with silver strings .

" I think it'll work ." Announced Liam looking into a microscope .

"For real ?" Asked Harry sounding exited .

" yea " assured Liam .

" Now all we need is her cooperation ." Said Louis . " so will you cooperate ?" He asked looking at me , in fact they all turned to look at me .

An image of Rex , in pain and vulnerable in the mud flashed in my mind .

" i'd rather die ." I answered tasting the poison pouring from my fangs in my mouth .

" Listen to us Selena ." Spoke Zayn "We need to stop that vampire mob , they're causing more death and havoc than you ever did . Hell , they're killing little innocent children ! We HAVE to exterminate them and we can't do that without your help . Don't worry we don't enjoy working with you either , but this has to
Be done . Surely there's still a human part in you that would refuse allowing a children's massacre right?"

I thought about it and they kind of made sense . I couldn't bare the thought of a child dying because of my stupid mistakes and in a way i'd be fixing what i've done . So i nodded and agreed to work with them .

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