The Cheater And The Saviour

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Selena woke up somewhere dark , her back ached because she slept on cold rocks all night .
" What happened ?" She mumbled , a headache torturing her , as if she had been drunk . Her memory was vague . Last night was supposed to be her transformation , Justin held her hand , and then , nothing .

She tried to get up , her back aching even more , she touched the things around her to get an image of where she was . Her hand passed from rock to rock until it landed on something hairy . She carried it and stood up , walking in pain to where there was more light . When she could finally see what it was , she let out a terrified squeal and dropped it to the ground .
It was Angelica's blood drained head. It was then that she realized that her naked body was covered in blood . And some of her memory came back to her . She murdered Angelica last night , and drank her blood out of her head , as if it was a cup. But how come she killed Anglica , if the person that was next to her during the transformation was Justin ? How did Angelica get so close to her that she murdered her ?

" There she is !" She heard someone yelling , and two men of the pack came running towards her and led her back to where the others were . They appeared to be having a meeting . She looked at Justin who glared at her in a disgusted manner , she felt awful and she didn't know why he would look at her that way .
Rex had a wound on his head , when the transformation was complete , he tried to stop her from leaving the room , which was Justin's Job , and since Rex was just a kid , therefore physically weaker than Justin , he couldn't hold her back , she pushed him away and went straight to where her boyfriend was , attracted by the sounds they were making .

" What's going on ?" She asked looking at the angry faces around her . The only one not angry was Rex and he was starring at the ground as if he was ashamed of something .

" Franklin , get her something to wear ." Ordered Montgomery .

Franklin gave her a simple white dress which she slipped on quickly .

" Now Selena we have rules here , we are after all a society and those who don't regard the benefit of the society must be punished " explained Montgomery " do you understand ?"

Selena nodded .

" Good , now you must know that a vampire's only motive to kill the night of their first transformation is a deep hate of a certain species . Now we can overlook your feelings but you killed one of our own over petty jealousy and in our society that is punishable by death , especially that we tried to help you ." Declared Montgomery in the utmost seriousness .

Rex raised his head as if he had something to say but then went right back to starring at the ground .

Selena looked at Justin who simply glared at her .

" but i don't even remember what happened last night !" She objected .

" I'll tell you what happened " answered Montgomery " you knocked down Justin and Rex and then you chased Angelica and dismembered her ! And your punishment will be slow dismemberment , just like you did to Angelica ."
What was weird is that Selena could vaguely make out her murder but she could swear it was quick . Although that didn't matter now .

" tie her up boys !" Ordered Montgomery and Selena was tied up to a flat rock and her dismemberment was to begin immediately .

Suddenly , packs and packs of small wolves started running inside the cave . So many wolves filled up the space that you couldn't see the men's feet anymore . And while everyone was distracted by the wolves , Rex was untying Selena and led her to the exit .

" What happened back there ?"
Asked Selena still chocked .

" i'll explain later ." Answered Rex . He went behind a bush , and came out a werewolf , his clothes in his mouth . What Selena couldn't understand was why the transformation hurt Justin so badly , but was so easy for Rex , probably cause Rex had been a werewolf longer than Justin .

Selena rode on Rex's back while he took them far away from the forest and into an abandoned shoe factory . There , inside the safety of locked walls , Rex put on his clothes and explained everything to Selena .

" Last night , Justin was supposed to keep an eye on you , but he left you alone , and i wasn't strong enough to hold you back . See Justin is stronger , that's why he was assigned to do it . Anyway , maybe we went into that particular room cause the noises caught your attention . I don't know , but you caught Justin cheating on you with Angelica . But that's not why you killed her , i followed you and i saw Justin throw Angelica at you , probably cause he was scared , you caught her and your claws sliced her up . It was your first night , and the sight of blood can easily excite a newbie , so you disremembered her and took her head to drink the blood , she was already dead when you dismembered her , the real killer here is Justin ."

" Oh yea ? And why didn't you say any of that back there ?!"

" because Justin threatened me ! He said that if i didn't go along with his story , he'd kill my family ! Believe it or not , i have a mother and a father and little brother and i wasn't about to risk their lives , but i didn't know they'd go that far ."

I didn't want to believe him , but when he said it , i remembered last night , i could remember Justin , naked with her . He was the only one left , and he betrayed me .

" how did you do that thing with the wolves ?"

" well you're not the only one who has powers , i can control wolves . But the others didn't know that ."

" wow that's impressive ." I smiled , leaving my crying to the first chance where i'd get to sleep . " so what now ?"

" i think we should stay here till things cool off , they'll never find us here . "

" but can't they keep track of your sent ?"

" nope , cause vampires and werewolves are opposites by nature , so my scent with yours cancel each other out ."

" how could the vampires track me and Justin then ?"

" it's different for vampires , i think it's more metaphysical with them , i think they can sense your spirit . But what do i know right ?"

" i think you know more than you give yourself credit for ."

What really worried me now , was the vampires , because if the wolves can't find us , the vampires can and will .

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