The Vampire Hunters Return

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It was almost midnight , i was curled up on the floor , crying , while Rex went off to find us something to eat .

All i could do was think of Justin , how he planned my death , he's supposed to love me ! But i guess he didn't. Well i had it coming didn't i ? Me and Justin belong together , we're both awful people .

I heard thunder strike outside , and drops of rain started ticking to the floor through the whole in the roof .
Cold air flew in and i was just glad that i wasn't human anymore , cause if i was , i'd be freezing right now .

" I found some old chips and a whole box of water bottles ." Announced Rex while walking in.

He threw me a bag of chips and sat next to me on the floor .
The chips were expired but it's all we had for now .

Halfway through my bag , Rex raised his head up , alarmed . He started running around in circles like a dog , which looked weird considering he was still in human form .

" What's wrong Rex ."

" VAMPIRE HUNTERS!" He yelled turning full wolf right in front of me . The transformation was ugly , probably worse than mine , but it explains why they always hide to do it .

I climbed on his back , and he rushed out of the factory and back into the woods .

But i could already hear the sound of their motorbikes . The first one to appear behind us was Niall .

Rex ran faster and faster , leaves and branches cut my arms and sometimes cheeks , but i didn't feel any pain and the cuts would disappear instantly . What i could feel though , were the drops of rain washing my face , and the terrifying effect that the sound of thunder had on the entire situation .

We went so fast it felt like flying , but Niall was hot on our tracks , probably fueled by the anger of watching a werewolf hurt his mates . But that was Justin , not Rex . Well he obviously had a grudge against werewolves , and against me .
I could see him moving his hands and pull out something silvery , but before i could tell what it was , he shot Rex , and we both fell to the mud .

I laid on the ground frozen in shock , no pain could be detect in my body . But Rex , lying next to me , his fur stained with his blood was making small sounds that i assumed met he was in pain . He sounded like a little puppy and my heart broke for him . He doesn't have to go through this , i don't deserve it !

" Don't worry Rex " i said sitting on my knees and petting his head , he seemed to like that " i'll get you help ."

" No you won't " interrupted an angry voice . I looked up and saw Niall standing in front of me , his gun aimed at Rex's head .

" NO ! Don't hurt him !" But before my sentence was finished , Niall had shot , and Rex was dead , the now silent rain washing away his blood .

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