Enough is enough

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"Five,six,seven,eight..., no stop Jimin where is your mind at?This is an easy routine!"
"I-I'm sorry, I will do better," Jimin stuttered, his mind had been on the boy in front , the same boy who now gave a huge sigh muttering under his breath about people who should know better.
Tae, giving a side look smirked to himself, poor Jimin he was never going to get Jungkooks love, he did feel a bit bad for thinking like that but was it his fault if Jungkook preferred his friendship, maybe he did give sly digs about how annoying Jimin was but wasn't that the truth? He always tried hanging around with them he should know Jungkook was his! Of course he couldn't say that could he Jimin and he had attended school together so they had a friend thing going on or as Tae saw it Jimin was someone he worked with that he had known for a while, yes he was humble and cute but where did that get you in todays world. Jungkook was on the other hand quiet but dominant he always got his point of view across he was fun to be with and Tae thought they made an ideal pair.
The music started again, this time Jimin was flawless  his steps executed with precision.
Their instructor clapped his hands to show that practice was over, Jimin immediately went round the group apologising for his mishap causing them to stay longer,
"Don't sweat it Jimin," RM said smiling.
"No worries," Suga and Jin said.
"You got it right after," a smiling JHope said.
"Jimin try harder," an exhausted Tae said.
"Keep your mind on the job and we wouldn't have to repeat it," Jungkook said harshly.
"I'm really sorry Kookie, it won't happen again, I'll practice harder."
"So you should, you wouldn't be so annoying if you did your job."
Jimin blushed in embaressment , how could he tell the other boy he'd been admiring him?
Jungkook was wiping the sweat away with a towel when he heard Tae talk to Jimin.
"Jimin, maybe if you lost a bit of weight you would move easier, I don't mean to sound rude."
Jungkook frowned, annoying as he found the smaller boy he couldn't see a problem with his weight.
"Maybe your right, all of you are taller and slimmer , I should do as you say I would get better." Jimin said thanking his friend.
Jimin looked in the wall mirror, suddenly his reflection seemed overly large to him.
"Can't wait to get back and eat ," RM said.
"Long cool shower then food," Jungkook said.
They had all packed up except Jimin.
"Hey Loser,time to go," Jungkook yelled.
"I,Erm think I will practice more, you all go ahead."
Jungkook frowned,Jimin already looked tired why was he staying on?
"Ok Jimin you go for it," Tae said pulling Jungkook along then outside, leaving the small boy alone.
They all climbed into a van,sighing as they sat down.
"I hope Jimin doesn't stay too long,"RM muttered.
"He worries too much," JHope said.
Tae could see Jungkook starting to worry like the others and he squashed down the feeling of envy that he felt because of everyone's concern over Jimin.
"He's a grown man leave him be," he said a bit sharply before realising how he sounded," we can worry or trust his decisions," he said in a more neutral tone.
The van arrived at the dorm where they all got out, going in to take a shower then eat.
Jin was making a meal,a lovely aroma come from the kitchen when Jungkook came in there," smells great can't wait want some help?"
"Hah now you ask , we have been back for an hour and a half, I've spent the last half hour in here cooking and then you come! Set the table....oh ,I  wonder when Jimin will be back, should I just set him a plate?"
Jungkook stared at the other," he isn't back yet?"
"No , I don't know why he is so long."
At that moment the front door opened and closed and a weary looking Jimin walked through.
"Jimin, you look so tired, here hurry have a shower then come for food." Jin said worriedly.
"I'm fine just came to get some water, I'll skip food if you don't mind and go to bed."
Jimin smiled at the two in the kitchen then grabbed a bottle of water and headed to his room , stumbling slightly as he walked there..
Jin stared after him shaking his head .
This went on for a couple of weeks, Jimin, either staying behind or going in early. He missed a lot of meals but assured Jin who was very concerned that he'd had something.
Tae, liking the fact that Jimin was kept busy and away from Jungkook, encouraged the boy," your looking very slim in the face,"  or," way to go I see a change in you!" By encouraging Jimins behaviour he sounded like a concerned friend as well as keeping Jungkook to himself.
Jungkook had just finished a gaming session with Tae and was going back to his room.
Jimin wearily walked in looking pale and exhausted, he nodded to Jungkook and walked by, this in itself was different usually Jimin was all over him trying to get his attention.
The small boy turned," Yes?"
"Don't you think you are pushing this practice a bit too far?"
"I don't want to let you down, er I mean all of you down."
"You look exhausted."
"No I'm fine, goodnight."
He watched as the other boy went into his room, he didn't look himself, he was used to his smiling face, his pretty eyes curling up , his constant chatter to him. He knew he was sometimes a bit harsh to him but it was because for some reason this small male made him confused, his emotions all over the place when he was around him.
The next day was a photoshoot, they did group photos single shots and some where two or three members were together, they all wore smooth fitting suits as opposed to the loose baggy clothing they normally wore.
While changing into their various outfits Jungkook could hear Jimin apologising to staff.
"I'm sorry, maybe I've lost a little weight."
"Jimin we will need to pin these they are so baggy please don't lose anymore weight."
Jungkook strode out the same time Jimin did, this time Jungkook looked at the small boy, taking in how the suit showed how slim the boy actually was, it was worrying, Tae came and stood next to Jimin, "all set for the next photo?"
"Yes I had to wait while they took it in a bit."
"Probably got the wrong size,"
"She said I've lost weight."
"Hmmm, I think that's because she brought the wrong size suit over , you look the same to me."
"Tae!" Jungkooks voice came from behind Tae.
Jimin went to get his photo done while Jungkook queried Tae.
"Why did you say that?"
"That he hasn't lost weight ? He's gone far too skinny!"
"Really? I hadn't noticed."
"How come? Your his best friend?"
"Oh come on Kook, he hangs around me, he can be annoying you know that, you know your my best friend not him."
Jungkook stared at the other boy, annoyed by his response.
"Jungkook, come here I want you and Jimin in a photo together."
Jungkook stepped forward but Tae hung onto him, " really? You want a picture with him, say no then we can be in one together."
Jungkook shook off Tae's arm and walked onto the set.
"Ok so Jimin lean against the wall, Jungkook stand over him one hand on the wall both your faces turned to me."
Both did as they were told, Jungkook never realised before how tiny Jimin was against him, he felt quite dominant standing over him.
"Great shot now Jungkook against the wall Jimin in front with one arm of Jungkook on your waist the other at his open neck."
Jimin felt himself get hot at the contact, this didn't help with the huge crush he had on the other, he turned his head to look up at Jungkook to say something finding the other was looking down at him.
"That's great!" The photographer shouted as the two gazed at each other.
Jimin could feel his cheeks heating up at their closeness, he looked away and saw Tae frowning in the corner.
"Right, now,Tae and RM."
"What about me and Jungkook," whined Tae.
"No, you and Rm,"
The photoshoot went on, everyone was changing and Jimin laughed as Jungkook and Jin fooled around when their photo was being done,Jimins giggle getting everyone's attention .
"You are so funny," he giggled doubling over as he hung into Jungkooks arm making him smile too.
Tae watching could feel his anger rising.
When Jungkook went to change into his everyday clothes Tae pulled Jimin aside.
"Jimin I'm saying this for your own good, Kook is embarrassed at your attention, he told me enough is enough, it's getting embarrassing how you hang around him it's making him feel awkward after all we have to work together in a group and you having a crush on him is getting on his nerves, I don't want to sound mean Jimin but please don't put the group at risk!"
"I-I'm sorry Tae, I didn't think anyone knew, how embarrassing , of course I will leave him be, thank you for telling me I didn't realise he disliked me."
Tae just patted Jimin on the shoulder as if he believed him, smirking to himself, knowing Jimin wouldn't say a word to Jungkook but would hide away.
Jimin picked his stuff up going to the door," see you guys later," he mumbled, before dashing off.
"Is he going to practice again?" RM said.
"Your going to have to talk to him, I didn't realise how skinny he'd got he always wears baggy clothes ," JHope said.
The photographer called them over to see the stills, they laughed at some then," wow Jungkook you and Jimin look great in this one ."Suga said.
Jungkook looked at the photo of them , he looked like Jimin was his plaything, like a cat with a mouse, very sexy.
"Do you think it's that good ?" Tae said in a voice that disagreed.
"You jealous man that it's not you?"Suga sneered at Tae, knowing he was a bit of a diva.
"Ha Suga you make us sound like a couple! Tae is just a friend that's all," Jungkook said laughing.
"Yer but you and Jimin sure look like a couple in this," Suga said seeing Tae's angry look.
"We do don't we!" Jungkook laughed,staring at the photo and realising that he quite liked the idea of dominating Jimin, he really did look cute.
Ten minutes later and they were driving back to the dorm,Tae seething inside at Sugas remarks until he remembered his talk with Jimin, hah Suga, think what you want he muttered under his breath.

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