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Jinn had got back from his day out in a very good mood, he wandered into the dorm waving at the others who were watching a movie.
He went into the kitchen putting the kettle in to make a hot drink , bending down to get the milk from the fridge he stood up jumping when he saw a frowning Jungkook next to him.
"Shit! You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"You've been out nearly all day!"
"So....we had no work?"
"So you decided to skulk of with him?"
"Who Taemin? What's wrong with him?"
"What is he your boyfriend ?"
"What if he is why is it your business!"
"You don't belong with him!"
"Says who , You? I can go out with anyone I like, maybe I don't want to be a pathetic loser anymore maybe I want to be with someone, as a couple."
"What,to fuck cos your a virgin,"
"Why are you so angry ? Yes if I want to fuck him I will!!"
Jungkook swung the smaller irate boy up swiftly carrying him to his room and locking the door.
"So you want to fuck someone? Come on then."
Jungkook threw him in his bed, kneeling up and pulling his t shirt off before laying on top of the small boy and kissing him ruthlessly, his hands running all over Jimins body.
"K-Kookie ,stop,please," Jimins scared voice sunk into Jungkooks brain, he pulled back staring down at the scared looking boy.
"I-I don't know w-why your angry at me....," Jimin said a tear rolling down his face.
Jungkook brushed it away with his thumb then pecked Jimins lips lightly still hovering over him.
"I'm sorry Jimin I didn't mean to make you scared,"
Jimin nodded looking straight into the others eyes.
"I'm sorry too, I know you get annoyed by me, I'm not sure what I did but as it made you really mad you should tell me, I have been trying to stay out your way because, because someone told me how irritated you get with me."
Jungkook sighed rolling onto his side.
"You don't annoy or irritate me Jimin,"
"But I must do look how you just acted!"
"I was jealous Jimin."
"I didn't want you spending time with another man."
"But it's only Taemin he's just a friend."
"So why did you say you'd fuck him?"
"Cos you made me mad, just because I'm a v-virgin doesn't mean that someone wouldn't want to be with me!"
"Oh I know that believe me!"
"Well now we are not angry at each other anymore..... why did you kiss me?"
"You taste nice,"
"Pfft I'm not a lollipop!"
"Oh I could lick you in a lot of ways....!"
Jumins face went rosy and he felt restless like he wanted something but he didn't know what.
"C-can I kiss you?"
"Be my guest..." jungkook lay back hands behind his head, staring at the other boy.
Jimin shuffled nearer, his eyes looking at Jungkooks lips, he leaned down placing his full pouty lips onto Jungkooks applying a small amount of pressure, Jungkooks mouth moved against his not demanding like before but softly letting Jimin take the lead.
Jimin moaned slightly," I want more," he whispered his eyes beseeching Jungkook to help.
Jungkooks arms went to Jimins neck and ass pulling him to him as he took over the kiss , his tongue licking the seam of Jimins lips making him open up to him. His tongue played with Jimins coaxing a response.
Jimins restless body pushed against Jungkooks a deep need filling him.
He could feel his arousal and Jungkooks but he didn't feel embaressed.
"Fuck Jimin you are making me horny.
"Ah,Kookie I want..........Ah help me......."
Jungkook rolled Jimin into his back, he pulled Jimins T shirt off and bent to kiss his chest while palming Jimins arousal," you like this?"
Jungkook licked the small boys nipples earning a groan and a thrust upwards into Jungkooks hand.
Jungkook sat back, " do you trust me to take care of your problem, not sex....yet, let's just relieve this shall we?" He said palming Jimin again.
Jimin nodded, his body felt on fire fully aroused. Jungkook slipped his trousers and boxers down in one go, staring at Jimins naked member and pumping it lightly the end wet and leaking. He ran his hand along his length and down to his balls before taking Jimin in his mouth earning a gasp from the other as his tongue swirled around him, Jimin became a writhing mess as Jungkook sucked and licked him, he dug his heels into the bed pushing up, he suddenly felt Jungkooks finger near hiss asshole pushing against it in a rythm like his sucking and bobbing, something built up inside him coming to boiling point and when Jungkook pushed a finger into him he exploded coming like a pressure valve down Jungkooks throat, he grabbed a pillow to his face so he wouldn't be heard by the others as he keened in a high pitch wail his orgasm so intense .
Jungkook took every bit down delighting in the taste.
Jimin threw the pillow off his face giving a shocked expression to the other." Is it always like that?"
"Mostly , sometimes not so.....extreme."
"Can I try?" Jimin was staring at the aroused bulge in Jungkooks trousers.
"Er you don't have to Jimin, this was for you."
Jimin got a cross look on his face," but I want to!"
Jungkook gulped at the intense look in the other boys face," Erm ok ,"
Jimin didn't wait he grabbed Jungkooks bottoms pulling them down then pushing him flat in his back.
"Wow,your er large!"
Jungkook smirked," what can't handle it?"
He wasn't laughing minutes later when Jimin ran his tongue along his length his tongue the tasting the salty tip as his small hands pumped his member, he groaned,"Aw fuck Jimin take me in your mouth,"
Jimin did so swallowing his length in taking in more than Jungkook thought he could, just seeing himself fuck Jimins mouth was a huge turn on.
"Ah Jimin, soon I'm going to have your virgin ass and I will fuck you with all this, the thought is making me harder. He was thrusting into Jimins throat as Jimin used every unknown skill he had to bring Jungkook to the brink, a few more pumps from his hand and Jungkook thrust harshly up exploding his seed down Jimins throat, guttural groans coming from him as wave after wave of pleasure swept over him.
Jimin pulled back gasping for breath and looking pleased with himself, jungkook pulled the small boy to him until his head was resting on  Jungkooks chest.
"Wow well your a dark horse I've never had such an intense orgasm."
"Really?" Jimin cooed.
"Really," Jungkook said exhausted." So you gonna sleep with me?"
"D-do you want me too?am I supposed to?"
"Yes and yes,"
"Ok then,"
"I like to sleep naked," Jimin whispered.
Jungkook laughed," even better so do I ,"
They both stripped off Jimin a little shyly until Jungkook told him he had an amazing body.
Slipping into bed, Jungkook spooned against Jimin living the feel of the small boy against him.
"Jimin I like you,"
"I like you too Kookie."
Jungkook switched the light off kissed Jimins shoulder lightly then like Jimin drifted off.

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