Like strangers

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Jungkook didn't know if it was his imagination, but whenever he seemed to be in a room Jimin wasn't . It also seemed like the usually enthusiastic chats he got from Jimin normally, didn't happen.
"Hey Tae,does Jimin seem I don't know different?"
"He doesn't hang around me like he used to,"
"Kook, he's probably realised how annoying it was, maybe he's stopped being so immature," Tae said.
"That's a bit harsh Tae! I think he just wanted a friend."
"You call me harsh! How many times did you push him away when he hung around you?"
Jungkook couldn't deny that he had, but that was mainly to do with his hormones, Jimin had some sort of effect on him, he'd had sex before but usually with girls, he weirdly thought of how it would feel to have Jimins cute body underneath him.
"Hello, earth to Jungkook,"
"Huh? Did you say something Tae?"
"Yes,I said, why don't we go clubbing together?"
"Yay,let's all go," JHopes hyper voice said.
Tae was annoyed he wanted Jungkook to himself. He was about to deny JHope when Jungkook spoke up,
"Great idea, Hobi.....JIMIN!!"
"Y-you called?"
"Clubbing tonight all of us no refusals."
Jungkook went off to his room to choose something to wear while Jimin looked worriedly at Tae, who just shrugged before going to his room.
They were all driven later that night to a club , the music was loud and intense, they got to their table and drinks were ordered , Jimin ,Hobi and Jin got up to dance, Tae scooted nearer to Jungkook, trying to get his attention but his eyes were on the dance floor watching his three band mates . A man Jungkook didn't recognise tapped Jimin on the shoulder making him turn. Jimin suddenly hugged the other male much to Jungkooks annoyance and then the two started dancing together.
"Looks like Jimins flirting has got him a partner," Tae whispered in Jungkook ear.
Jungkooks eyes followed every moment of their dance. When it stopped Jimin dragged the male up to their table.
"Hey everyone, this is Taemin, an old school friend of mine and Tae's."
Jungkook looked at Tae , why hadn't he mentioned who he was?
"Hey Taemin," Tae said surly.
"Oh hi Tae, still as devious?"
"Oh come on, you always twisted things to go your way, that time you told the teacher that it was Jimin not you who had taken the exam notes!"
"Tae?I had a detention for that, I had no idea what they were talking about!"
"Did I ,surely not," Tae defended himself noticing the stares of the others.
"Yer poor Jimin was your scapegoat more than once," Taemin said finally getting his own back on the devious boy for doing things Jimin had no knowledge off.
"Haha, your so funny Taemin,er haven't you got friends you need to be with?" Tae said annoyed at the others intrusion.
"We are going into some bars," Jimin said picking his jacket up and waving goodbye to the others. Jungkook stared after them as they left, feeling jealous.
"Thank god he's gone," Tae muttered.
"I thought he was rather cool," Suga said, staring at Tae.
"What is your problem !!!" Tae said angrily.
"I don't like the way your two faced to Jimin!"
"Me what I'm not!"
""No?.........Jimin you've not lost weight they got the wrong size clothes, Jimin I'm saying this for your own good Jungkooks embarrassed by you.........ring a bell?"
The rest of the group were looking at Tae....., he was annoyed at Suga and retorted," so....,Jimin is annoying you can't deny that and He comes between Me and Jungkook and so what if he's lost weight!!"
"Tae!!" RM spoke his voice very stern," please don't say you have been encouraging Jimins weight loss, he has been going to extreme measures!You think he's annoying? Why because he wants to be friends, he would do anything for anyone!That day off you wanted so urgently? He persuaded our manager that you should have it as you had taken time to train extra for the new dance piece with him, when really it was the other way around. That outfit you loved so much in our last concert was supposed to have been for Jimin but he saw how much you liked it and told them to do it for you.
As for coming between you and Jungkook, there are many a times I've seen him watch you two from the sidelines wanting to join in and when I asked him why he didn't he said you two were like twins who knew each other's ways and he didn't want to disturb you, so please..., don't trash Jimin he doesn't deserve it!"
Tae's eyes became full of tears, hearing what Jimin had done
"I'm an awful friend, I got so caught up in this fame thing I started thinking I deserved everything, I think I'm actually jealous of Jimin...., he doesn't need to try and he gets friends, he used to be bullied at school but I'd defend him, I got annoyed that I had to do it as he never stood up for himself, sure he's got a temper now and then but he let them call him ugly and fat, or they would threaten to fuck him, it was like he believed everything they called him, so I started doing the same, subtly, but still he didn't stick up for himself.....he believed me because I'm supposed to be his friend.........."
The other members were shocked but could see Tae really regretted it.
"Well you know now so you can try and build that friendship properly," Jin said.
"I'll tell him all I've done ......."
"No!!" Suga shouted," god you idiot Jimin would be mortified, he would blame himself, no way should you tell him, he wouldn't recover!!"
RM nodded," he's right , Jimins a softee, he would say it was all his fault that made you do it."
"Kook, I kinda made out you were fed up with him being around you......,"
Jungkook frowned," Tae, I didn't see this side of you, why were you envious, we are friends but I can be friends with more than one person, we aren't a couple for gods sake!"
And like that Tae realised the feelings he had weren't reciprocated by Jungkook ....,he saw him as a friend and nothing else," Yer sorry Kook," he mumbled.
"And sorry to the rest of you for being a jerk."
"Apology accepted," Suga said glad to have got this out in the open, he hadn't liked what he'd seen go on.
They all raised their glasses to signify the end of discussion.
Jungkook no longer felt like partying telling RM he was tired and going back.
He got to the dorm opening the door surprised to hear a song playing and a sweet voice singing along to it.
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do..........
He stepped into the room where some gym equipment was kept and saw Jimin and saw Jimin doing pull ups in the bar frame, his naked back soaked in sweat his black shorts stuck to his legs and his cute bare feet hanging there.
At the sound of a voice Jimin froze twisting his head to see Jungkook there.
"Er....I thought you were all out,"
He jumped down facing Jungkook picking a towel up to wipe his sweaty body, feeling a bit dizzy.
"We thought you were going on a pub crawl with your friend."
"Nah, I got him to say that so I could come back and train." Hi is towel dropped and he bent to pick it up staggering as he stood up, his whole face going pale,
"Whoops,silly me," he said as his eyes closed and he began to fall, Jungkook running over just in time to catch him.
Swinging the boy up in his arms he worried at how light he was. He carried Jimin to his room, laying him on his bed and then going to his bathroom to get a cool cloth and towel to wipe him down, pressing the cloth to his face his eyes admired the boys body, he ran the cloth along Jimins neck then patted him dry.
The small boy moved his eyes fluttering open.
Jungkook frowned at the boy," Jimin when did you last eat?"
"I-Erm,it was......"
"The truth!" Jungkook said dominantly .
"D-day before yesterday,"
"No wonder you passed out, I'll go make some food, we can eat together, do you think you can shower or do you need help?"
Jimin blushed at the image that came into his head,
"No I can do it,"
"Ok then, a quick one and don't lick the door in case you pass out, I'll bring the food here ok?"
Jimin nodded getting off the bed and walking to his bathroom, looking back to see Jungkook looking at him.
"Remember, don't lock the door!"
Fifteen minutes later and Jimin was showered dressed in a t shirt and pj bottoms sitting on his bed towel drying his hair.
Jungkook walked in with two bowls of Rameon and slices of cut up fruit.
He placed the tray on the bed and sat the opposite side to Jimin picking up one bowl and eating from it nodding to Jimin to do the same.
They had soon eaten their fill, Jungkook took the bowls out quickly washing up and going to Jimins room again.
Jimin looked up in surprise," is something wrong?"
"Shall we watch a film?"
"What and me?"
"Duh,no one else is here are they?"
Jimin blushed, Jungkook seeing it and putting on a kinder face," there's a new marvel film on we could watch?"
Jungkook put the tv on and sat awkwardly in the edge of the bed.
"You can sit this side if you want, you'll be more comfortable."
Jungkook lay on the bed next to Jimin his head on a pillow,soon they were both watching the film, not long after Jungkook felt a small body cuddling against his looking down he saw Jimin fast asleep. He thought how cute he was, he turned back to the film.
An hour later Jin and Namjoon made there way into the dorm , they could hear a tv on down one of the corridors, walking there they looked in smiling as they saw Jimin and Jungkook cuddled together fast asleep on top of the bed. Namjoon got a spare blanket to cover them and Jin turned the tv off then both crept out shutting the door after themselves.

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