Happiness is a boy with luv

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Jimin was out on another walk he was trying to build up his stamina, Kookie would probably be mad if he knew he thought, then realised Jungkook probably wouldn't care now.
He was half way home when the heavens opened and rain poured down, the sweat he'd worked up became a chill as he got soaked.
He tried running but the ground was slippery, he got near to the bungalow seeing a car he recognised. Jungkook what had made him come here.
As he neared the bungalow a figure got out of the car carrying an umberella and rushing over to him.
"Hell Jimin you will catch a cold your soaked, you must have been out ages I've been here for over an hour waiting."
Jimin apologised," I-I'm sorry Kookie I didn't know you were coming I haven't got my phone is something wrong ," Jimin asked teeth chattering as he tried to put the key in the lock with his cold fingers.
Jungkook took the key opening the door," go, a hot shower and dry clothes I'll make a hot drink."
Jimin nodded going to the bedroom and stripping off his wet clothes and going into the shower letting the hot water heat his cold skin.
Fifteen minutes later and Jungkook came into the bedroom picking up the wet clothes and shouting through,"hurry up Jimin your drink is made"
He sat at the table waiting for the other who walked in wearing fluffy pjs and warm socks," sorry, I didn't mean to be so long ."
They sat drinking their hot chocolate then Jimin spoke.
"Erm, is something up do I need to go back?"
"Oh, er so um, why did you come here, I thought you would feel better if I wasn't around?"
"No, I feel horrible, and I can't sleep."
"Oh no, I'm sorry if I upset you that much I really didn't mean too, I'm sorry if my confession annoyed you, just ignore it , it isn't your problem, I can deal with it."
"It's very much my problem , I can't sleep because your not there, I feel horrible because of how I behaved to you, I never explained myself and expected you to know but you can only base your experience on what I've done previously."
"S-so what do you mean, please tell me straight I'm not very good at all this stuff!"
"I Jeon Jungkook, love you Park Jimin more than anything else un this world."
Jiminee looked shocked then burst out crying,"R-Really? I thought I'd lost you forever,"
"I won't let you ever lose me or ever be lonely again,"
Jungkook stood up going around the table to where Jimin was and pulling him up, attaching their lips together in a slow passionate kiss.
Jimin hugged the other to him revelling in his embrace," can we snuggle on the sofa?" He asked Jungkook.
"Sure," They snuggled together, Jungkook pulled a blanket over them and with music on in the background the pair fell asleep comfortable in each other's embrace.
Jungkook was woken by someone coughing, it was Jimin coughing in his sleep sweat pouring off him.
Damn he must have caught a chill when he got wet.
Jungkook carried him to the bedroom stripping off his sweat drenched clothes and wiping him down with a wet cloth.
He rummaged in his wash bag where he always kept medicine for colds and managed to get Jimin to take some , for the next few hours Jimin sweated out the fever, eventually it broke, thanks to Jungkook continually wiping him down.
He woke up early in the morning groggy but needing the bathroom, Jungkook helped him there and stripped off the bed putting clean linen on, Jimin washed himself down in the bathroom then went tiredly back to bed, Jungkook undressing and sliding in next to him wearily. He spooned against Jimin who held onto the hand he put around him scared that he would disappear.
The next morning Jimin woke up feeling back to normal, he stretched feeling something poke him from behind, turning he saw Jungkook on his side asleep with a rather large problem going on below . Jimin grinned then slid down under the sheet capturing the length in his mouth. Jungkook moaned in his sleep, Jimin licked and sucked diligently, he knew when Jungkook woke up as he felt the others body tense when he realised what was going on, then his hands wandered to Jimins face as he sucked him down.
"Fuck Jimin, I thought your lips were good at kissing but this.....," his voice trailed off as he began to thrust into Jimins throat, Jimins gag reflex working overtime, a few minutes later,
Jungkook realeased himself down Jimins throat overwhelmed by how powerful it was. As Jimin removed his mouth Jungkook jumped at the sensitivity.
Jimin slid up the bed grinning," good morning," he grinned.
"Good? That was fantastic ," Jungkook groaned hugging the boy to him.
"Just a thank you for taking care of me,"
"I'll take care of you every single minute if that's what I get!"
Jimin giggled the sound music to Jungkooks ears.
"Park Jimin have I told you I love you?"
"Hmm, only once today!" The small boy giggled.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," he said, kissing the small boy, Jimin felt himself get aroused Jungkook had this affect on him.
"Someone needs a little help down there," Jungkook smirked.
"It's ok you don't have to,"
"But I want too,"
Jungkook slid down the bed caressing Jimins body as he went, Jimin was very responsive to his every touch, he moaned in pleasure when Jungkook finally put his hard member in his mouth.
At the same time Jungkooks Fingers touched Jimins puckered hole until," on all fours baby,"
Jimin hadn't done it this way before but was eager to try. Getting on all fours he felt Jungkook part his ass cheeks , spitting in his fingers and moistening his hole, Jimin was so aroused he pushed back when Jungkook put his arousel at his hole.
"Fuck ,Jimin I love how tight you are hang on I'm going all in,"
With one deep thrust Jimins ass opened to him burying him deep inside , Jimin making a sound of pain and pleasure.
Soon a rhythmic dance began both parties eager for release," more Kookie harder," Jimin grunted on the edge but needing that bit more.
Jungkook thrust at a different angle finding the bunch of nerves inside Jimin that would give him release.
Ah,noooooo,aaaargh!!!" Jimin came hard over the bed pulsating waves spurting his seed out and making his ass clench around Jungkook.
Within seconds Jungkook followed holding Jimins hips against him as he emptied himself.
The pair flopped onto the sticky bed.
"Kookie if we keep this up we are always going to have a lot of laundry!"
Jungkook burst out laughing.
"My Jimin, my boy with luv you never cease to amaze me."
"Yer yer whatever, now get out my ass so I can shower."
"G-get out y-your ass!!" Jungkook couldn't stop the laughter.
Jimin pushed up making the other roll off him, still laughing at Jimins words .
"Laugh at me will you! I'll show you!" He took the sticky mess he'd been lying in and wiped it in Jungkooks abs," hah now what do you say?!?!" Jimin yelled in triumph.
"I say let's be sticky together ," a laughing Jungkook pulled Jimin to his chest the sticky mess getting on them both as they giggled like schoolkids, then kissed then ended up making love again, both finally at ease that they had found their place in life together, something that never changed as the years went on and they became known as Jikook, the boys in luv.
The end

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