Im sorry and I love you

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Jungkook came back to the dorm two hours later.He was still in a self righteous mood but decided he would act civilly and show he was the grown up.
Walking into the dorm he saw the others sitting talking and listening to music, all except Jimin, huh, he was probably feeling guilty and hiding in his room.
"Hey, Kook, sorry it didn't work out between you two" RM said.
"Er,yer," Jungkook said frowning.
"Yer, Jimin explained before he left," Suga said.
"Yer, he said although he told you he loved you, you didn't feel the same,"Hobi said.
"What! That's not right, I was annoyed because he didn't think we were a couple he thought I was just using him as a fling,"
"But you must have explained that to him at the beginning right? After all You are Jimins crush, we all knew how he felt, but your a bit of a player." Jin said.
"Well no I didn't but,"
"So he tells you he loves you and what did you say?"
Tae asked.
"Erm, I er broke up with him, I was mad, I didn't really take note of what he said."
"Poor Jimin, he was heartbroken ," Suga said.
Jungkook panicked going over his last conversation with Jimin, he recalled the last bit, Jimin had seemed anxious and then told him he loved him! He'd forgotten how innocent Jimin was, he'd been his first, hell he wanted to be his last! But he'd just slammed him down.Jeon Jungkook you are a fucking idiot! He told himself.
"I'll make it up to him when he comes back in,"Jungkook told the others, yes he can put this right he thought.
"Er he won't be back for a while," RM said.
"He asked for leave because he can't train,"
"And he was pretty upset," Jin said.
"Couldn't wait to get out of here," Hobi said.
"Let's hope he's ok," Tae said, looking sadly at Jungkook.
"Where's he gone, when did he go?"Jungkook panicked.
"Dunno , a friend picked him up and they left," RM said not telling the other it was his friend not Jimins.
"But aren't you all worried? Jimins left and you don't know where he is!!!!"
"Kook, he made it plain that he , what was it? Oh yer, would never be a burden again , actually that's a bit suspicious," Suga said.
"I can't believe you all let him go without saying anything!" Jungkook yelled.
"Says the man who ignored Jimin when he said he loved him ," Tae said.
Jungkook stormed off to his room while the others high fived each other.
"Suga that was good,' never be a burden again,' you should have been an actor!"
"Well the little shit deserves to worry, how long do we carry this on for?"
"Oh at least a couple of days," RM sniggered as the others nodded.
Jungkook paced back and forth in Jimins room which looked like a bomb had hit it, drawers and cupboards open as if Jimin had left in a hurry. He rang Jimins phone and heard a buzz coming from under the bed, looking he saw Jimins phone there he must have dropped it in his hurry.
To calm himself down he began tidying Jimins room folding clothes and putting them away, remaking the bed. He picked one of Jimins pillows up breathing in his scent then glancing down he saw something peaking from under another pillow. Pulling it out he saw it was a journal. Should he? Quickly opening it he saw it began years ago he flipped through,

Jungkook looked so good at practice today, I'll never be as good as him but I will try.

Jungkook wanted ice cream but I knew we had run out so I quickly went to the shop to get some, it was worth getting wet in the rain to see his happy face when he saw ice cream was in the freezer.

Jungkook pushed me away today, sometimes I forget this is all one sided, I can't help loving him, but I need to remember he doesn't feel the same.

I had to pretend I was happy today after Jungkook came back from his date he'll never know how painful it feels for the one you love to be with someone else.

Tae and Jungkook look good together I think Tae has more chance than I ever will.

I'm trying to lose weight I don't want to always be the chubby ugly one , it must be embarrassing for everyone else in the group to have someone like me in it, maybe I should have plastic surgery?

My outfit didn't fit at the shoot today I was pleased it meant I'd lost weight until Tae pointed out they had got the wrong size, I need to work harder.

Jungkook and I did it today! I can't believe it! I know it doesn't mean anything to him after all he can have anyone he wants, but for a while I felt special, I will take what I can til he moves on, don't I deserve a little happiness?

Jungkook flipped through feeling sad at how lonely Jimin must have been, he always kept smiling upfront but hid his real feelings, and look how he had reacted expecting him to know better.
"Jimin I'm so sorry, where are you, I love you too."

Jimin thanked RM's friend and waved him off, there wasn't much point him staying at the dorm right now it would just make Jungkook feel uneasy so it wasn't fair, he'd lived all these years being in love with the other, at least now he knew where he stood, he would carry on for the sake of the group and hope eventually they could get on some sort of normal footing.
He looked around the little bungalow and put the food away he'd brought on the way.. then he looked for his phone, sighing when he realised he'd left it in the dorm oh well peace might be helpful he thought. For a moment he relived the moments in the shower with Jungkook then told himself to stop and move on ignoring the pain inside him and deciding to go out for a walk.

Two days had passed, Jungkook had been like a frazzled irritated toddler , slamming around, cursing under his breath rushing through training.
He missed Jimin, he felt like part of him was gone , he wanted to be with him, he hated waking up and he wasn't there.
He slumped into a chair ignoring the others, staring sullenly at nothing.
"RM I can't take much more of this," Suga said.
"He's like a big baby," Jin moaned.
"Let's get back to normal please,"
"Why are you all mad at me Jimins gone you don't care he could be hurt I can't talk to him he left his phone here, AND NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING !!!" Jungkook yelled.
RM sighed," ok we can't carry on. Jungkook what have you learnt about yourself since Jimin left?"
"That I'm an idiot who didn't see what a prize he had in front of him!"
"Yer, that will do," RM scribbled down an address , "drive safely don't come back too soon."
"What's this?"
"It's where Jimin is staying,"
"WHAT!!how could you not tell me???"
" we needed to make sure you cared enough for him,"
"Is Jimin in on this? Did he do it deliberately?"
"No, Jimin was truly upset, he doesn't know what we did, he thinks he's on a break to make it easier here for you, as usual he put you first."
Jungkook ran to throw some bits in a bag and dashed out the door, his heart lighter than it had been in days, he was going to make this right, he was going to see his love.

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