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Jungkook had woken up before Jimin and was astonished to see how close he was holding the other boy but at the same time he thought how right it felt.
Jimins baggy T shirt had slipped off his shoulder showing off his delicate collarbone, Jungkook couldn't resist and leaned down to kiss there, pulling back  in case Jimin woke up. Just that little touch made him feel hot and aroused, how could this one boy do this to him. The longer he thought about it the harder he got. In the end he slipped from the bed and the room, going to his own room and shower pleasuring himself to find the relief he greatly needed.
He went to the kitchen finding some cereal and made a coffee sitting down to eat it.
The room had a mirror in the wall and his eyes caught some movement, he deliberately kept his head down to the bowl but his eyes on the mirror and saw Jimin trying to sneak past gym bag in hand, he smiled to himself Jimin would never make a good spy.
"Where do you think your going?" He called out seeing the other freeze on the spot. He swung around to face Jimin.
"Who me? I'm er well I'm ," Jimin suddenly stood up straight,"You should call me hyung and I'm er under no obligation to tell you what I'm doing!"
Jimin pleased with himself went to walk out.
"You take one step further and we will see who's in charge here! You haven't eaten anything and your in no fit state to go to the gym, you passed out because your body is rebelling against the punishment you're giving it so sit down and eat."
"I-I can't you don't understand I have to keep as fit as the rest of you I need to lose weight I'm the ugly fat boy," he peetered off but grabbed his bag and walked only to be suddenly caged by two strong arms against the door.
"I will feed you myself if I have to , your neither fat nor ugly so stop acting like a brat and sit down!"
A cough sounded behind them.
"What's up?" Tae questioned.
Jimin thanked god at least here was a friend.
"Tell him Tae, you know I need to lose weight"
Tae looked at Jungkook then at Jimin.
"Jiminee I was wrong about those clothes , I realised from the photos, your getting too skinny and it's not healthy."
"You think your healthy?" Jungkook questioned.
"Yes, " Jimin argued.
"Ok, Tae pick me up."
Tae raised an eyebrow but did as he was asked lifting Jungkook up no problem .
"So?" Jimin questioned.
"You do it," Jungkook demanded.
Jimin stomped over and tried to lift him as Tae had but his arms shook and he couldn't do it.
Jimin was caught out, he had thought of himself as strong, obviously not.
"Come on Jimin , toast and cereal I'm eating too Tae said.
Jimin walked to the kitchen getting the food, at first he nibbled but then he ate quickly savouring the taste.
Afterwards he went back to his room flopping on the bed wondering what to do, he then lay on the floor and started doing sit ups totally engrossed until he saw an angry face above him.
"Are you dumb, you've just eaten I told you not to workout yet here you are!"
Jimin stood up," I'm not a kid and I don't need you telling me what to do!"
"Don't push it Jimin!"
"Or what, you'll get RM to tell me off....pffft!"
"I'm going to say this once, don't exercise, rest!"
"Wooo scary!" Jimin sassed, the next minute he was on the bed Jungkook over him, "there's only one way to stop that mouth of yours"
The next minute Jimin was being kissed hard, the shock making him open his mouth slightly, so giving Jungkook access to plunder inside.
Jungkook pulled back," now will you shut up."
Jimin mutely nodded.
"Right I'm going to stay in this side until you fall asleep, we don't have anything in today so just rest up."
Jimin frowned, how was he expected to fall asleep with his crush here, he slumped to his side, muttering about bossy men and what he wanted to do with them, a few yawns later and he'd drifted off, automatically turning to Jungkook in his sleep.
Jungkook grabbed the blanket pulling it over them, he breathed in the others scent, it was unique like the boy. His mind went back to the kiss, oh how he wanted to carry it on, he remembered the feel of Jimin underneath him and his trousers tightened, stop he told himself, he willed himself to think of other things which in the end helped him drift off to sleep.
Jimins pillow was hard, he nuzzled his face into it trying to find a soft spot.
"Much as I like this I need to pee" a voice rumbled in the chest Jimin realised he was leaning on.
Sitting up quickly he apologised ," oh I'm sorry I never realised I did that in my sleep!"
He went to sit up, but a strong arm held him down ,
"What's your hurry....?"
"Erm, this we shouldn't , I er,um....."
"Jimin sometimes your like a little virgin!"
The smaller boy gasped and wriggled eventually escaping the strong arm.
"Don't say things like that!" A blushing Jimin said.
"Why not......you aren't are you?"
"It's nothing to do with you!!!" Jimin escaped from the room.
Jungkook smirked to himself, hmmm, maybe he could be the one to pop that cherry, he palmed himself through his trousers , lust making him hard, rolung towards Jimin's pillow he sniffed in the scent, grinding down against the mattress , shoving his hand quickly down into his pants he finished himself off exploding into a sticky mess. He laughed if only Jimin knew what he'd done in his bed !! He went quickly to his room to shower, still thinking of being the one to claim Jimins virgin ass.
Going out into the sitting room he found they had a guest,Taemin.
"Oh hi Jungkook, just came by to take Jimin out for a coffee and catch up."
Jungkook stared at Jimin who immediately jumped up, "I'll just go tidy myself up" he dashed off returning in no time to grab his jacket and say bye to the rest before leaving with Taemin.
"Ah that's nice," Hobi said
"Cute," RM nodded.
"It's just coffee !" A frowning Jungkook exclaimed.
Jin looked knowingly at the younger and nodded,
"yeh just coffee"
He pulled Jungkook towards the kitchen , "fancy a sarnie? A piece of cake?"
Jungkook nodded, it was just a coffee wasn't it.........
A few hours passed with no sign of Jimin, where were they? A tense Jungkook paced his bedroom, he started imagining all sorts of things which made him pace more and frown.
Jin came to his door," we are going to watch a movie, coming?"
"Aren't you worried about Jimin he went out hours ago?"
"Oh sorry Kook, he text to say they were going bowling then out to eat...., so you coming to watch the movie?"
Jungkook shook his head, so all this time he'd been worried and that sassy little shit was out enjoying himself, just you wait Park Jimin he thought.........

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