Your shadow

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Jimin had been fussed over by everyone on his return, they couldn't do enough for him and although he assured the others he was ok and they didn't need to do things for him they persisted.
Jungkook was jealous of the way others hung around Jimin, it meant he couldn't get close.
They hadn't spent a night together since their return and not only was he jealous but he was desperate for the others touch.
A week later and everyone was in the kitchen as Jimin walked in fully dressed.
"Why are you dressed already Jiminee?" Jungkook said.
"I'm being taken to the docs in twenty minutes to get the stitches out."
"I'm coming," Jungkook yelled rushing to get dressed.
He was back in twelve minutes.
"Jungkook you don't have to come,"
"I am you might faint or feel bad, I'm coming,"
"I'll go if you want?" RM said.
"I SAID IM GOING," jungkook used the tone which everyone in the group knew meant he would not change .
"Ok then....., let's go,"
They arrived at the doctors, once there Jimin didn't feel as brave, he held Jungkooks hand and dragged him into the room with him.
"Ah very neat scar, the doctor did well and you were very lucky from what he says in his notes."
Jiminee and Jungkook both gulped, both assuming it had just been nicked with the knife.
"It will fade in time but don't do anything too energetic for a week or two."
"But I have dance practice....,"
"As I said take it easy for a while then work you way back into it."
Jimin thanked the doctor and they left returning to the dorm.
"Everything ok Jimin?" RM asked.
"Yes fine, no worries,"
"He's not to train for a couple of weeks,"
"Jungkook sssshh! It will be ok!"
"You are doing as the doctor said Jimin even if I have to be your shadow!"
Jimin stomped off to his room.
" I mean it RM, he's not to do it!"
"Ok Kook........., you like him don't you?"
Jungkook looked at the male he held high esteem for," yes, yes I do,"
"Hmmmm, so if I find you in Jimins room at night it's obviously because you need to keep an eye on him that he isn't doing too much , right?"
"Exactly," Jungkook said Grinning,
"That's what I thought," RM said grinning.
Jungkook whistled walking along the corridor then stopped and walked further on stepping into Jimins room and catching him doing warm up.
Jimin froze, then tried to bluff his way out of it.
"You should knock before barging in."
"What so you can pretend you were following doctors orders?"
"I-I this is my room!"
"For the next two weeks it's our room, unless of course you want to share mine?"
"You can't what would the others say?"
"RM suggested it,"
Jimin stomped his foot looking like a little kid, Jungkook picked him up and carried him to the bed, sitting him on his lap.
" the most exercise you will do is this," he plundered Jimins lips immediately getting a moan from the small boy.
"I've missed this," Jungkook muttered.
"Me too , " Jimin whispered .
"So you gonna let me stay with you?"
"Well Erm kissing is not too energetic is it?"
" neither is me going down on you!"
Jimin blushed," you make me blush with your words!"
"How about, I can lick my way down your body, kissing it all while you lay back, I can fuck your ass with my fingers while I suck you?"
Jimin squirmed in his seat already aroused.
"You can't talk like that, it's not fair!"
"Well you could suck me too that's acceptable."
Jimin could feel a tell tale bulge under his ass where he was sitting in Jungkooks lap.
"The doors locked ," Jungkook hinted.
Within minutes the pair were naked touching each other's bodies, jungkook used all his skill to arouse Jimin and swallow down his load when he came, Jimin then sucked and caressed Jungkook making him orgasm hard.
The pair giggled as they dressed jungkook unlicked the door and was just about to leave when Tae opened the door," hey Kook, why you here? And Jimin you look flushed?"
For once Jimin came to the rescue," he was telling me off he caught me exercising when the doctor said not too so he shouted at me and said he will sleep in here if necessary to make sure I behave," Jimin said giving a cute sad I've done wrong face.
"That's a good idea Jungkook, Jimin it's your own fault he wouldn't have to do it if you behaved!"
"I'm sorry," Jimin said trying not to smile.
"Good, so no argument right?" Jungkook said turning to face Jimin and winking.
Jimin wasn't going to let him get his way so easily.
"Well your so bossy, but I don't want to listen to you whine like a baby because you didn't get your way!"
Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the other at his sassy comeback.
Tae laughed, "haha he's got you there Kook!"
"I do not whine!"
"Yer you do," the two others said at the same time.
"Did you want me for something Tae?"Jimin asked.
"I was gonna ask if you wanted to come on a drive with me?"
"I'm coming."
"No your not."
"I am,"
Jimin winked at Tae , "it's warm isn't it ? I think we should change first."
"Oh er yeh,"
"I'll be back in ten minutes" Jungkook said rushing out to his room.
"Quick! Go...," Jimin rushed Tae out, the pair escaping quickly and going down to the garage to te's car and driving off.
Jungkook came out of his room and waited in the lounge . After a while he frowned .
"What's up Jungkook," Suga said from his chair near the window.
"Tae and Jimin are taking a long time,"
Suga snorted," you've been played my friend they rushed out of here a good ten minutes ago,"
Jungkook couldn't believe he'd been duped like that, going to his room he phoned Jimins number.
"Hello Kookie,"
"Don't hello Kookie me, you ditched me,"
"Nope you invited yourself we declined the offer ," Jimin giggled.
"Jimin is this on speakerphone?"
"Good you little shit because wait til I get you alone tonight, I'll show you how bossy I can be."
He could hear Jimin gulp, "Tae ,Jungkook said to stay out late and enjoy ourselves."
"Jimi....." the phone went off.
Park Jimin you little tease, I'll make you beg for me!
Tae and Jimin drive along it was a beautiful sunny day.
"Jimin, I have to apologise for my behaviour, I lied when I said Jungkook said you irritated him.I was jealous of how friendly you were, I told him all this as I knew you had a crush on him and that's how I made you back off."
"Stop the car," Jimin whispered.
Tae pulled over turning worriedly to Jimin, " I know, I'm an awful friend and it's been on my mind since we all discussed it."
"You all talked about me? My crush on Jungkook?"
"No, no, just my bad behaviour and how jealous I was off you."
"I'm sorry Tae, I'm a bad friend, I didn't realise I made you feel like that."
"Damn," Tae said hitting the steering wheel.
"W-what ?" Jimin said nervously.
"They said not to tell you as you would blame yourself and they were right ! It's not your fault Jimin, your so nice that's how people take advantage of you, it's been on my mind more so since that man stabbed you, I would have lost you without being able to say sorry....."
"Tae..., please don't , maybe we are both at fault, we used to talk so much and then sort of drifted apart, let's start over."
Tae nodded eyes brimming with tears.
Jimin suddenly sniggered , "we are near the coast which means tourist shops which means cheap T shirts and shirts, let's buy some book into a place and get smashed, you up for it?"
"Totally, better text RM that we will be away tonight,"
"On it!" Jimin grinned, haha Kookie he thought I won this time.
He text RM getting an ok but be back tomorrow , then wearing sunglasses and masks the pair went to a gift shop each buying loud T shirts and shorts to sleep in, then they found a place that rented huts and bbq's in the beach to stay in, after that they went to a convenience store picking food and beer up and giggling as they picked up headache tablets' just in case.'
It was now nearly six o'clock , they cooked food in the bbq then started drinking, making up songs and singing loudly, enjoying their night.
  Jungkook was both annoyed and jealous, RM had told Jin not to cook Tae and Jimin anything as they wouldn't be back tonight.
What we're they doing, why couldn't they come back, it was now eleven and his phone buzzed.he saw the number and grabbed his phone,"JIMIN!"
"Kookshi.........Ise a little bit drink I mean drunk, heehee!"
"Where are you Jimin and what are you doing?"
"I'm here of course stupid, we are drinking beery,(hic) Tae it's Kookshi, he rang me I told him we here,"
"KOOKSHI!!!it's Tae Tae, yep we're here"
"Tae, how drunk are you two?"
"Erm this much,"
Jungkook could just imagine the idiot holding his hands wide.
"Tae you need to go to sleep you have to be back tomorrow, drink some water... now pass the phone to Jimin,"
"Wassup Kookshi baby..."
"Jimin, stop drinking and sleep,"
"I know your mad cos I won I sleep with Tae Tae tonight heehee, I'm gonna dance, Tae let's dance,"
"Oops Tae Kookshi getting mad..."
"Jimin remember you are not to dance you have to take it easy."
"Tae Kookshi said don't make me dance via I'm not allowed he'll get cross ok"
"Dunno why you phoned me Kookshi night night"
The phone clicked off.
God damn it Jimin I could shake you!! Jungkook got changed for bed but spent a restless night worrying about Jimin.

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