Fun Fact - I Don't Know

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1. So most of my stories are about a cute couple falling in love in the same working place. Why? Because that's how I met my true love in my life.

But I fictional and seasonal them.

Most of my stories are happy endings because I love all couples to be happy and sweet!

But, not all couples would end up happy together.

2. I have been thinking for a long time to create a breakup story that contains so many sweet and memorable stories in between the couple. I had been doubting people will enjoy it and also people might get hurt in a bittersweet ending.

Well, I believe most people have this kind of experience which they would remember in their first love story forever even though they have already moved on and met their happiness.

I believe most of the couple break up is because they were sharing a different direction and they know no matter how many times they sit down to talk about it, they are still dodging an elephant in the room.

To those couples who end up like this, I should be proud that they're brave to sacrifice their love and give them a chance to find their best ending.

Also, depending on how the couple thinks about it. Some of them are willing to sacrifice their dream and choose love to be their happiness.

I also think this kind of relationship is quite a make sense and gained more ideas from my friends as I decided to give My Dearest a try.

And they have their best ending and that's what I'll do for them.

I promise, after this, I'll continue to finish my sweet stories lol

With Love,
Jo Blackheart

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