𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟔

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[One Week Later
Szabadkai Road, 9th District, Budapest]


Arriving to a place (that Mrs. Davis gave me that day in her office) the alley was dark and I was surrounded by many prostitutes with the lacking of clothes they were having. Eyes trained on me every step of the way.

I was holding my gun that was on the inside pocket of my coat just incase anything happens. I kept my eyes sharp as I walk up the stairs of an old building that is probably built in the 80's.

Now, standing in front of a dark-oak wooden door, I pick the lock using a hairpin, a technique that my father taught me.

I held my gun infront of me tightly, while using my foot to push the door open.

To my surprise, someone was also pointing its gun to me, my heart picked up its pace when I recognized who it was.

"Natasha?" The words came out like a whisper as her eyes meets mine.

"Surprised aren't we?" She smirked at me, but before I could reply, she grabs my collar and pushed me backwards to a secluded-empty room.

She harshly pinned me on the wall, creating a not-so-loud thump. She clenched her jaw.
"What are you doing here?" She asked quietly.

"I could ask the same for you," I replied, casually. She finally lets go her grasp on me, turning around to process everything that was happening.

"Is this why you're so busy that you couldn't even look out after our daughter?" She accused, but a matter of truth.

I shrugged, "Could be."

She released a heavy sigh, breathing in and out controllably. She may seem calm and collected outside but on the inside it was chaotic.

Her eyes narrowed at me. "You know damn well that this place is dangerous as it looks. Are you even thinking?!" She exclaimed.

"Nat stop it. You're just overreacting," I replied, well that didn't help much.

She slighy tilted her head to the side. "We both know that I'm not."

My ears perked up as I heard footsteps coming in our way, Natasha was too busy about complaining and becasue her back was facing the door, she was unable to see anyone come in or out of the room.

The door slightly creaked open as their head pops out to see what was happening, suddenly, I couldn't think staright, and I couldn't stop Natasha from talking.

I forcefully pull her closer, my arms on her neck as I smashed my lips on hers, she got startled but she kissed me back. She placed her arms on my waist, gently but tight as she held me in her arms.

The guy mumbled something in Russian and left, but I was too busy doing on her lips to be even bothered to what he was saying, Natasha, however, widened her eyes, surprised to hear another voice coming from behind her.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt her pull away, but I pulled her even more.
"Don'tpullaway," I mumbled, almost impossible for her to understand, but she smirked and continued.

I was running low on oxygen, but I didn't want to stop. I missed this. I thought, as she gently breaks apart to catch her own breath. I rested my forehead on her shoulders, trying to regulate my breath and she never let go of me, she stood still, quietly, placing another kiss on top of my forehead.

"Don't ever go anywhere without me, please," Her husky voice found its way to my ears as her breath lingered on the spot of my skin where it hit.
"Atleast not in a country like this," She added, planting another kiss.

"I know," I replied. She gently cupped my face on her very delicate hands with her eyes boring into mine.

"Promise me," She stated sternly. Although it took me a while to say the word, and from experience I can't really say a promise that I know I wouldn't keep, and before I could even respond... something happened.


I woke up, sweat dripping from my forehead as my eyes searched around my old room in the Avengers Tower. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked to my side, and there she was, looking back at me with a worried look in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Another one of those again?" She added, softly as she hugged me.

I couldn't understand what was happening, 'cause seconds ago, I was just asking her to promise me something, and now here she was, hugging me... but everything felt different.

"What year is it?" It was the first word that came out of my mouth and first thought I had in mind.

"2010. Why?" She asked, pulling away from me. "Did something happened in your nightmare? Tell me," She rushed out very quickly.

I shook my head slowly. "Nothing, I was just asking. I think I'm a little lost," I tried to ligthen the mood and luckily it worked.

She slightly giggled. "Love, you can never get lost as long as you have me," She pecks a kiss on my forehead before standing up to go to the bathroom.

And there, it clicked. This happened from thirteen years ago, this was after the events of Loki in New York, meaning this time around was the time when we broke up, and that happens next week. Meaning, she'll go to HYDRA and she'll be out of the picture for the next eleven years.

I gulp as I look at the bathroom door. This can't be happening.

"Miss Romanoff, Mr. Stark requests your presence in his lab," JARVIS spoke up, pulling me away from my trance.

"T-thankyou, tell him I'll be down in a minute," I replied, getting out of bed to change into more appropriate clothes.

"Hey, bubs." I knocked on the door, and Y/N immediately pops her head out with an arched eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

"Bubs? That's new." She stated, almost amused yet confused.

"You don't like it?" I questioned.

She scrunched up her nose ever so slightly. "You never call me that."

"Bubs," I repeated and she blushed. I missed this side of her, the soft one, unlike the other one that's all grumpy and pushy, but either way I still love her. "Tony needs me, so I'll meet you downstairs," I added and she nods.

"I love you," She blurts out, making my heart skip a beat. I haven't heard those words for two years, since she left at the compound, although, she might not be my Y/N from the original timeline, but...

"I love you more," I retorted geniunely and it took every inch of me to stop myself from embarrassing my ass infront of her.

And again, she scrunched her nose ever so slightly.

─━  ⑅  ⴵ  ⑅  ━─

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