Here we go again

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You went back home where you see your dad slumped on the couch with cans of beer littered around. You didn't know where he got them since you've only ever seen him in the bathroom and haven't seen him go out all day. Then again, you were in the forest with an abandoned road, looking for an end for half of it. You groaned nudging at him to wake up, at least when he's in his bathtub you could ignore him. But now that he's sprawled on the couch, drunk, it was hard to ignore. He wouldn't wake up which sent a spark of anxiety through you but he started snoring, causing your nerves to calm down.

You took this opportunity to take a long,  hot bath to end the night. You threw the random candy wrappers in the trash, cleaning the tub before starting to fill it up. Once it was filled, you hopped in feeling your muscles relax. You were more tired than you thought. The water would occasionally splash around, as you lathered yourself, letting out deep breaths, feeling sleepier by the second. You finished bathing, got out a dressed up in baggy clothes. You flopped onto your bed covering yourself with a blanket. Remembering how cold it must be in the living room, you got up and placed a blanket over your dad. Maybe he'll hate you less?

Your eyes slowly closed after getting back in bed, thinking that this will be a good night's sleep. That wasn't the case though.

You woke up early in the morning, '1am' meaning you got four hours of sleep. You wanted to scream into your blankets put of frustration, but instead, you shut your eyes trying to force yourself to sleep. It didn't work in the end.

"Here we go again." You murmur, getting up.

4 O'clock in the morning (GASA4A Cashier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now