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You were breathing heavily, it was because today was shit, right? No other reasons tied behind that nightmare, right? But you didn't know why it was Stephen you saw, not your dad. He was the one in the hospital, he was your main focus right now, not Stephen. So why wasn't it him there. You sighed, trying to stay collected. It was so quick, the nightmare I mean, but it was already late when you woke up. You didn't have the energy to get up, the dream made you even more tired than before you went to sleep.

You roll out of bed, literally. You groaned and sat up. You rubbed your eyes, yawned and walk to the living room. Some TV would ease your mind off of things. You turned the television on, the screen illuminating your dark home. You watched silently, enjoying the show. You heard a quick knock on the door. You got up and opened the door. 

On your doorstep, there was a piece of paper and some snacks. You laugh softly, picking the paper up. It read..

"Hey Y/N,
Here's some snacks, I know it's not a lot, simple really, but I hope you feel better soon.


You picked the snacks up from your doorstep, placing it on the living room table.

"Thanks Stephen!" You yell, knowing that he could probably hear you. You close the door and continue watching your show, this time, with your snacks.

(short chapter)

4 O'clock in the morning (GASA4A Cashier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now