// part three: burning with jealousy //

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Metal Sonic stomped towards the familiar work shop, having no patience to care anything about whatever was going on around him. His mission was to find Y/n, and bring her home for their date.

The day was ending now, and Metal was growing worried they wouldn't get to do it today. Why had Y/n even run off in the first place? Was something wrong?

Metal slammed the door to Tails's workshop open, the golden kitsune yelping, nearly falling over off of his plane. Regaining his balance, Tails looked over and spotted Metal glaring at him.

"Metal? Is something wrong? Why are you here?" Tails asked as he gently flew onto the ground.

"Where is Y/n? Have you seen her?" Metal asked, almost sounding desperate. Tails's eyes widened slightly, a little surprised to see Metal acting like this.

"Oh, yeah, I did see her today. I sent her and Sonic off to Knuckles. They were talking about how 'everyone's in danger', and her weird dreams." Tails quickly explained. Metal stared at him with wide eyes, letting himself process Tails's word. Grabbing Tails's shoulders, Metal looked deep into his eyes, Tails immediately sensing the desperation in his eyes.

"Tell me everything you know." He ordered. Tails gulped, shivering. Metal seemed very upset. Had Y/n not said anything to him and just left? What was she thinking?

"Um, not much... Y/n said she had some sort of dream about us all being in danger. Sonic said that we should investigate it, but I couldn't really do much to help, so I sent them to Knuckles. That's all, really." He said, holding his hands up in defense. Metal's hands slipped off his shoulders, falling to his sides.

This was much worse than he could've expected. That must have been the dream she had last night. She didn't say anything about it to him. Metal clenched his fists, glaring at the floor. Why would she do that? Did she not trust him? Did she not feel the same exact way as him anymore..?

Sonic. She was with Sonic. Of course. This was his doing. Y/n must've lost her feelings towards Metal because of him. That was the only reason she wouldn't tell him, right?

"Metal? Are you okay?" Tails spoke up, startling Metal. Metal looked up to him, a nasty feeling growing within him.

"I'm going after them. Goodbye." Metal turned around and left without another word. Tails called out to him, slightly worried, but the robot simply ignored him, walking away.

As soon as the door shut behind Metal, he leaned back against it, his hand over his mouth. The feeling within him was unbearable. He had no idea what this feeling he was experiencing was, he had never felt it before.

Was it possible that he was... Jealous? He couldn't be. Right? There was no way... Metal refused to believe he was jealous. He would not be jealous of his faker, never.

Shaking his head, Metal leaped into the air. His next stop would be Angel Island, where he'd find and take home Y/n.

Meanwhile, Y/n, Sonic, and Knuckles sat atop the altar, thinking of their next move. Y/n stared out over the island, towards the mainland as the wind blew around her hair.

"You mean to tell me you never thought of the next step? What did you even plan to do with the identity of the messenger in Y/n's dream?" Knuckles glared at Sonic, fists clenched.

"We were in a hurry! This just came up today, don't blame me!" Sonic huffed, crossing his arms as he puffed out his cheeks.

"So what do you plan to do now? Just wait until the enemy appears? What if it's Dr. Eggman again? We don't have time to waste, Sonic!" Knuckles raised his voice at the hedgehog, who looked at him in distaste.

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