// part eight: hopeless battles //

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Y/n stared at the dark floor, unable to see. She wasn't even sure if her eyes were actually open, or if it was just too dark to see.

She curled her fingers, wondering if she could even move. To her surprise, she not only could move, but she wasn't even restrained.

She looked around, trying to get an idea of where she was, but it was far too dark to even see the walls. She blinked, trying to adjust to the dark, when suddenly a door opened, dim light seeping into the room.

Deimos stood before her, a ball of energy in his hand, dimly lighting up the room. He smiled softly at the girl as he approached her, the door closing behind him.

"Are you okay? I tried to make you comfortable during your stay here." Deimos said, towering over her. It was then that Y/n realized she was sitting on her knees. When had she woken up? Y/n had completely lost track of everything around her.

"Don't make it sound like I'm staying here voluntarily. Where am I?" Y/n asked, standing up. Her body oddly felt numb, like she hadn't moved in years. Her bones creaked under the pressure, and she nearly fell over as her body grew weak.

"Don't force yourself. You've been asleep for almost a full day." Deimos said, holding his hand out to stop her from falling.

"Answer my question. Where am I? What have you done to me?" She hissed, her voice dripping with venom. Deimos smirked at her attitude, giving her shoulder a small squeeze.

"I am afraid I can't tell you where we are, but I will tell you that I drained your energy so you wouldn't try anything." Deimos answered. Y/n glared down at him. She already despised his attitude and personality.

"Why did you even take me? It's not like I'm strong or anything, and you can't make me follow you like Metal." Y/n leaned against the wall, away from Deimos. Deimos hummed, the ball of energy in his hand floating up, lighting up the room better. He put his hands behind his back, smirking at her.

"You're quite bold to be questioning me despite being the one held captive. Regardless, I will answer any question you have that isn't valuable information to me." Deimos grinned at her. If he weren't such a terrible person, Y/n might find him attractive. "I took you not for your strength, but because I am in love with you, Y/n."

Y/n didn't even think twice before slapping Deimos, the hedgehog stumbling backwards. Deimos grunted, rubbing his cheek.

"Okay, maybe I also took you for your strength. I do want a strong person to rule over this planet with me." He smirked up at her, being sure to keep his distance from her this time. Y/n growled, clenching her fists.

"That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you haven't already noticed, I'm taken." She glared at him, approaching him. "Now, you're going to let me go, before I rip that ugly face of yours off."

"Ooh, feisty. You'd make a wonderful queen." Deimos grinned. Y/n's eyes widened, her blood boiling as she raised her fist. Deimos stepped back as she swung, watching the girl fall over. He caught her just before face-planting, holding her in place. "You must remember that I am far stronger than you. None of you stand a chance against me."

"Why are you even doing this?" Y/n wiggled out of his grip, backing up. "Why are you fighting us?"

"That's simple. The strongest should rule over everyone, which is me. I will kill anyone who tries to stand in my way. Except for you, because you're the only one fit to rule at my side." Deimos said, getting on a knee as he leaned closer to her face, staring into her eyes.

"Don't be gross unless you want to get punched. You're not the strongest. Sonic has fought much stronger than you. We'll win, I'm sure." Y/n crossed her arms, smirking. Deimos's smile faded as he stood.

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