// part ten: rivalry //

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Metal opened his eyes, blinking as he took in his surroundings. It was strange. One moment, he was sitting in Tails's workshop, and the next, he was working for some freak hedgehog.

His memories were acting strange. His eyes landed on Y/n, her heart skipping a beat as they made eye contact. Y/n squealed, running into his arms.

"Oh, Metal, I was so scared. We lost you because of me, and then I got taken, and I was stuck in space, and I, I--" Y/n got cut off of her ramblings, Metal petting her hair.

"Stop, slow down. Explain it to me slowly." He said. Y/n let out a shaky breath, grinning from ear to ear, happy to see Metal back to normal.

She explained everything to Metal, leaving out the whole "maybe falling for Sonic" thing until it was just the three of them. Metal stared blankly at Y/n, which she knew was him, restraining himself from freaking out.

"Y/n." Metal placed his hands on her shoulders. He suddenly pulled her to his chest, squeezing her close. "You are no longer allowed to leave my arms. I will not allow that hedgehog to touch you ever again."

"Metal," Y/n giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm fine. You're going to have to let me go eventually."

"I will not." Metal said, glaring playfully at her. Y/n smiled, relaxing. She was so happy to be with him again.

"Anyway... Sonic and I need to talk to you, alone..." She turned to the others. Sonic smiled nervously, holding his shaking hands still. "Can we have some privacy, guys?"

"Oh, sure. We'll be in the other room if you need us." Tails smiled, walking out with Amy. Once they were alone, Y/n pushed herself free, nervously looking down.

"Um, Metal... Sonic and I, we um..." She looked over to Sonic for support, who immediately shook his head. Metal furrowed his brows, confused.

"What's going on between you two?" He asked, growing jealous.

"Sonic and I, um... We..." Y/n sighed, swallowing her fear. "We kissed. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Please don't be mad."

Metal was silent, staring at her. She looked up to meet his eyes, confused. She had honestly expected him to freak out, or attack Sonic.

"So... You don't love me anymore?" Metal asked. Even though his voice was incapable of showing emotion, it sounded like he was going to break down.

"What? No, I do! I love you! It's just... It was an accident. I didn't expect it, and Sonic wasn't exactly thinking, he was just overwhelmed with happiness..." Y/n said, rubbing her forehead. She had no idea how to go about this without hurting Metal. She didn't even understand her own feelings. She knew she loved Metal, but... Now Sonic was thrown into the mix. She had no idea what to do.

"Oh, so it was Sonic, you didn't kiss him?" Metal asked. Sonic tensed up, but Y/n nodded.

"Yeah. Please understand, I do still love you, but now I'm a little confused about my feelings for Sonic..." Y/n said. Metal held a hand up to stop her from speaking anymore.

"I understand fully, and I am not mad at you." Metal said. Y/n smiled, relieved.

"Oh, that's so good!" She held her hands together, beaming happily.

"However, Sonic dies." Metal said, and without warning, plunged his sharp fingers directly towards Sonic's face. Sonic yelped, squeezing his eyes shut, awaiting his fate. When it never came, he opened one eye, peeking. Y/n stood directly in front of him, shielding him. She whimpered, unsure if Metal would be able to stop in time.

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