// part twelve: premonition //

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"What happened!?" Tails exclaimed, looking around his trashed shop. He, Amy, and Rouge walked in, looking around in surprise. "My babies! They're all ruined!"

"Sorry, buddy. Things got pretty crazy while you were gone. Did you have any luck?" Sonic asked. The three immediately noticed the dark mood. Sonic looked exhausted, Y/n was currently, taping her snapped leg with duct tape, and Shadow seemed especially annoyed. And surprisingly, Knuckles was here now.

"Yeah, we shut off the system. But what happened to you guys?" Tails asked. Sonic let out a dry chuckle, looking down at Y/n, who sat on the floor.

"We lost all of the Chaos Emeralds." Sonic said.

"I lost it. I could've at least kept the one." Y/n suddenly spoke, her voice raspy, as if she had broken it. The tone of her voice immediately broke the hearts of everyone in the room.

"Y/n, please don't blame yourself. You were mad and stressed out, it's okay. We'll get it back." Sonic said as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. She huffed, ripping the tape with her teeth and finishing her poor repair job. Standing up, she limped past the three in the doorway, glaring at Sonic.

"I'll get it back. I don't want your help, this is my fault. I'll be back later. Don't tell Metal when he wakes up." Y/n said as she walked out.

"Wait a minute, Y/n, you can't be--" Sonic rushed out the door after her, but cut himself off once he realized she had disappeared.

"What are we gonna do? She can't go after them alone. She could get taken again, or worse." Tails said. Sonic sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"She won't actually go after them, I can tell. She just needs some time alone. Just let her be." He said softly, sounding heartbroken. Tails didn't speak another word, following Sonic back inside.

Y/n sniffed, wiping away a stray tear. She stood on the roof of the workshop, having heard their conversation. She was glad Sonic understood.

Teleporting further away from the workshop, Y/n crawled into the first abandoned car she found, curling up in the seat. She released all of her pent up feelings, sobbing loudly.

She wanted to go home. She wanted this to end. She really was beginning to wish she had died in her fall to Earth, at least then she wouldn't have to deal with everything. She wouldn't have to deal with that pervert anymore. Just thinking of him made her sick.

"Did you miss me?"

Y/n's blood pressure immediately spiked as she let out a low growl.

"Can't you ever just let me have some privacy?" She hissed.

"Sorry, I just missed you, princess." Deimos said. Y/n's eye twitched. Gag him, she thought to herself, punch him in the throat.

"Go. Away." She said. Deimos could sense her anger, leaning back against the back seat.

"Oh, you're no fun when you're like this. Why don't we go for a fun ride?" Deimos suggested. Y/n stayed silent for a moment before sighing, searching the abandoned car for its keys. "There you go, darling. A little trip should make you feel much better."

"Would you just shut up? I might crash this car just to make sure you die." She threatened. Deimos rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"I don't die that easily." He retorted. Y/n didn't reply, finding herself losing brain cells the more she grew mad at him.

Y/n started the car, the vehicle giving a low rumble as it started. Y/n sweat dropped, slightly nervous. She hadn't driven cars very much before now. But at least like she said, if she crashed, she would take Deimos out with her.

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